Looking for mature, active players looking to have a similar experience to the likes of Hermitcraft, old Mindcrack, etc. I am not requiring content creation but I welcome it with open arms. Disclaimer: I have a busy life but I like playing minecraft so I fit in most of my play time at night so I would be on then. I will generate a new world using a random or preselected seed (up to you guys).
Would love to join! IGN: BebeHD
ign maristb
Would really like to join! IGN is spongedog5000
Ill join if its still open ign: TravizFlow
Hey i would love to join too!
IGN: OligamesMC
Age: 18 (just wanted to let people know :D)
My wife and I would like to join
I came here and made an account to make a post identical to this. If it is still available I would like to join.
I would love to join! My IGN is PeachMovie26237
Hey my IGN is Ramidine, I am very interested and i'm 20 years of age
I would like to join!
Ign: Not_Og