Our time zone is EST and we like to chat on discord while on the server. I attached a picture of our little city. We've been active on the server for a few months and are looking for new players to join us. Whether you like to create crazy red stone contraptions, enjoy building beautiful structures, or just love destroying nature, you're welcome to join us! If you want to join, leave a reply or send me a message. I'll invite you to the realm and add you on discord.
Our time zone is EST and we like to chat on discord while on the server. I attached a picture of our little city. We've been active on the server for a few months and are looking for new players to join us. Whether you like to create crazy red stone contraptions, enjoy building beautiful structures, or just love destroying nature, you're welcome to join us! If you want to join, leave a reply or send me a message. I'll invite you to the realm and add you on discord.
invite me bro, IGN : realgodzilla
IGN: cmosier
Also, my discord is cmosier#6272.
Ballthrax is my user
ign: ze4
IGN: ATadBitTalkative
Discord: BokkuForLife #4783
i would love to join
IGN : Maltisan
Ign: SpecterGames, would love to join.
IGN: Denkulestemax
Please inv me I have no friends and no one to play with
Invite me : thebigg12130667 my discord is Retro #0123
and my friend if you can : kmct6473 his discord is Turtle #9636
my user name is Finney
IGN falloutguynv
pls add me: CaptainIgor
my ign is: precifi
my discord is:quinn#0340
Ign: dylana2007
Java and Bedrock IGN: Sootaid Xbox ID: Sootaid