Hello there, my name is MisterCarrots and I just recently invested to start a realm. Looking for civil minded and friendly players that wish to work together as we continue to discover what is in our own version of the vanilla game. There are currently 4 players that have joined in total and I'm looking to expand to provide a fun experience for those who join and stick with us. Let's get mining!
You can contact me here with your username or on Discord at MisterCarrots#6484
Hello there, my name is MisterCarrots and I just recently invested to start a realm. Looking for civil minded and friendly players that wish to work together as we continue to discover what is in our own version of the vanilla game. There are currently 4 players that have joined in total and I'm looking to expand to provide a fun experience for those who join and stick with us. Let's get mining!
You can contact me here with your username or on Discord at MisterCarrots#6484
Discord: bend#7312
ign: Bluestars55
I'd really like to join I think it would be fun.
Discord: BokkuForLife #4783
IGN: ATadBitTalkative
Would love to join your realm!
I'm super hype to join a new realm to form a little minecraft community!
IGN :Mushman_
discord :MushMan#2838
Hope I'll see you there
ign: Kamhi
dc: Kamhi_#8353
Sounds good, count me in!
Hi! I would love to join your realm.
I'm dutch, so my English isn't great ( but i also wouln't say it's bad), I hope that's not a problem (?)
My ign is: Math_het_Schaap
My Discord: PixelZombieX#5777
I sent u a friend request