Hey, I've just started a new Java survival realm, anyone is welcome all that I ask if you be chill and dont troll or grief
I'm from Australia so not sure how the server hosting works but if you live far from AU then you may have some lag, Im not sure, Im new to realms myself.
If you're interested in joining, leave your IGN down below or add me on discord Ryuuk#5602
Hey, I've just started a new Java survival realm, anyone is welcome all that I ask if you be chill and dont troll or grief
I'm from Australia so not sure how the server hosting works but if you live far from AU then you may have some lag, Im not sure, Im new to realms myself.
If you're interested in joining, leave your IGN down below or add me on discord Ryuuk#5602
IGN: SunilMel
Hey there!
Me and a friend are looking for a realm to enjoy the new update with ppl.
Our igns and discords are GameScout180 [GameScout#1924] and FlyingMedic [FlyingMedic#6480]
Hi! I'd definetly be interested in joining! Hopefully there wont be too much lag for me!
IGN; Queen_Kait
Discord: DramaticKait #7808
Invited and added you on discord.
Can I join?
Am I too late? My IGN is HappyDance99
IGN: oreking449
Discord: Electro#9506
Ign XBaconforDayzX
IGN: dunia69989
Java and Bedrock IGN: Sootaid Xbox ID: Sootaid
Discord That_Google_Guy#7473 this is my last attempt, it reminds me of the Downfall of The Last Russian Tsar.
if I cant rejoin, so is my Minecraft search for a survival realm, i looked so long and I found this one, it is perfect the best I've ever seen