I own a hard difficulty java survival realm. We have around 8 active members and we are looking for a few more. We all work together and support each other in our projects. We focus on building mostly, but we also have a few redstone projects such as mob farms, xp farms, etc.
State House
Town Library
Town Overview
We'd love to have you on our realm!
Just leave your IGN as well as you Discord tag in a reply and we'll add you.
I own a hard difficulty java survival realm. We have around 8 active members and we are looking for a few more. We all work together and support each other in our projects. We focus on building mostly, but we also have a few redstone projects such as mob farms, xp farms, etc.
State House
Town Library
Town Overview
We'd love to have you on our realm!
Just leave your IGN as well as you Discord tag in a reply and we'll add you.
is this java or bedrock?
Ign: GooddViibezz
discord: Pattytherick#6972
mY ign is : dishwashermann
im on java btw discord is: Dished#4332
My bad, this is java. I'll update the post.
IGN: PyritePirate
Discord: PyritePirate#7023
Hey, I would love to join!
IGN: oRyuuk
Discord: Ryuuk#5602
IGN: Jolnestrink
Discord tag: Jolnestrink#8410
You're on the realm, but your discord didn't work.
Sorry my discord is PyritePirate#0723
Those are pretty sweet builds for a realms server, I'd love to join.
IGN: SG_AwesomeTBS
Discord: AwesomeTBS#7644
ign: firebricks
discord: firebricks#6608
IGN: ATadBitTalkative
Discord: BokkuForLife #4783
Would love to join such a cool realm, especially with these neat builds Please invite
IGN: RoseGardens
Discord: honeyy#7057
Would really like to join ^^
I would love to join your realm
ign: gurtheking
discord: gurhoter#7503
IGN: JaxTastic
Discord: JaxTastic #8700
Cannot wait to join up. ^__^
ign : cr1ngy
discord : cr1ngy#1183
Im down to join!
IGN is: Meatbol
discord; Meatbol #2707
I'd love to join!
IGN: Mariah2848
DISCORD: Mariah2848 #3793
IGN: PixelZombieX
Discord: PixelZombieX#5777