Hello, everyone. I am Dartanman and I recently created a Minecraft Realm. It is a brand new survival world and I am looking for players to join and have fun playing Vanilla survival.
Apply to join with this format:
Discord (Optional):
Will you grief?
Will you cheat?
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm?
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Yes! I am a Java Developer! No, I probably will not work for free.
Hello, everyone. I am Dartanman and I recently created a Minecraft Realm. It is a brand new survival world and I am looking for players to join and have fun playing Vanilla survival.
Apply to join with this format:
Discord (Optional):
Will you grief?
Will you cheat?
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm?
Yes! I am a Java Developer!
No, I probably will not work for free.
Here's my public plugins: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/dartanman.124008/
Contact via Discord: Dartanman#7645
Donate: https://paypal.me/dartanman
IGN BlueSlimeLOL
Username: _Siege_J[/b]
Discord (Optional):[/b]
Age: 17[/b]
Maturity: Very[/b]
Will you grief? Nope[/b]
Will you cheat? Nope [/b]
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes[/b]
Username: maristb[/b]
Discord (Optional): maristb #0977[/b]
Age: 17[/b]
Maturity: high[/b]
Will you grief? no[/b]
Will you cheat? no[/b]
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? yes[/b]
You have both been accepted. Thanks for joining!
Yes! I am a Java Developer!
No, I probably will not work for free.
Here's my public plugins: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/dartanman.124008/
Contact via Discord: Dartanman#7645
Donate: https://paypal.me/dartanman
IGN: QtmPixel
Discord: Pixel Cuántico #3506
Maturity: Low
Username: Pastelbunnybutt
Discord: Victoriamarleyva
Age: 15 turning 16
Maturity: Very
Will you grief? No I hate griefing
Will you cheat? No I hate cheaters
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes
You need a # after your Discord with your Discord tag. Accepted into the Realm!
Also, your Minecraft username doesn't seem to exist. Are you sure you typed it correctly?
You failed to follow the format. Sorry!
Yes! I am a Java Developer!
No, I probably will not work for free.
Here's my public plugins: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/dartanman.124008/
Contact via Discord: Dartanman#7645
Donate: https://paypal.me/dartanman
Username: Scott_exe
Discord (Optional): Scott.exe#9686
Age: 17
Maturity: Very
Will you grief? No
Will you cheat? No
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes
Discord (Optional):Gasrim#7286
Will you grief? I disprove on destroying other peoples creations.
Will you cheat? No I disprove on cheating on multiplayer games as well as exploiting game bugs.
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes
Username: PieLegacy[/b]
Discord (Optional): Pie Legacy#7366[/b]
Age: 15[/b]
Maturity: High[/b]
Will you grief? I will not[/b]
Will you cheat? I will not[/b]
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? i understand[/b]
Discord (Optional):sad1face#8807
Age:21 years old
Will you grief? no i wont
Will you cheat? no i wont
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? yes
- Greatheads
- I'll share that in game I don't want to stick it out in public
- 17
- Griefing, cheating and maturity come under the same category as I see it. I'd like to think I'm respectful and I fail to see the point of cheating.
- I've been part of 3 or so realms before, and they didn't have any problems with me.
Discord (Optional):poetMe#4712
Age:18 years old
Will you grief? nope
Will you cheat? nope
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? yes.
Username: Sneapy[/b]
Discord (Optional): don’t have it[/b]
Maturity: high[/b]
Will you grief? Nope[/b]
Will you cheat? Nope, Vanilla till I die![/b]
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm?: Yep [/b]
bought the game in 2011! Haven’t played in like 5 years and want to start again online[/b]
Discord: Victoriamarleyva #7309
Age: 15 turning 16
Maturity: Very
Will you grief? No I hate griefing
Will you cheat? No I hate cheaters
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes
^ This one I fixed my username and put my discoed number😅
Username: [/b]LeathelApple
Discord (Optional): [/b]costae#0078
Age: [/b]16
Maturity: [/b]High
Will you grief? [/b]No
Will you cheat? [/b]No
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? [/b]Yes
Username: Redwaayy[/b]
Discord (Optional): [/b]Bochecha#0493
Age: 18[/b]
Maturity: High.[/b]
Will you grief? No.[/b]
Will you cheat? No.[/b]
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes, sir.[/b]
Username: tuxedoarmor[/b]
Discord (Optional): Psable[/b]
Age: 22[/b]
Maturity: sometimes[/b]
Will you grief? no[/b]
Will you cheat? no[/b]
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? yes[/b]
Username: PastelBunnyButt
Discord: Victoriamarleyva #7309
Age: 15 turning 16
Maturity: Very
Will you grief? No I hate griefing
Will you cheat? No I hate cheaters
Do you understand that if you grief or cheat in any way you will be removed from the realm? Yes
I just fixed the username and I put my discord number