invited everyone 18 or older! PLEASE message me on discord if you received an invite, that way i can get you on the discord page. (i'm a lil discord challenged, still.)
invited everyone, including some of the younger people. i'm trying to be fair, but i had to kick a 15 year old because they would not stop asking me questions in chat. i wanna play too sometimes! lol , and for me that sometimes means not talking for, like, 30 minutes every now and then? either way, looking forward to seeing everyone
Hi! I am 27 and I live in Nevada. My IGN is Popogigo
invited everyone 18 or older! PLEASE message me on discord if you received an invite, that way i can get you on the discord page. (i'm a lil discord challenged, still.)
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
Hey! I'm 26, a Graphic Designer living in Toronto Canada, and not a father yet haha.
My IGN is "SuddenPixel"
Looking forward to hearing from you man.
Age: 21
IGN: The_wan
Discord is
invited everyone, including some of the younger people. i'm trying to be fair, but i had to kick a 15 year old because they would not stop asking me questions in chat. i wanna play too sometimes! lol , and for me that sometimes means not talking for, like, 30 minutes every now and then? either way, looking forward to seeing everyone
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
Hello, I am 24 and living in Canada, just looking to play with a good community, my ign is Neberony
invited you neberony! sorry it's been a couple days ( i don't check the thread but every couple days)
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
join the discord so you could be invited faster
IGN: Elevatedjac01
Country: USA
Age: 29
Would like to join, been looking for a Realm with data packs lol.
IGN: MrSkree
I just hope to have a kind community and just contribute in general
20 Nebraska and Killitnow99
30 Canada,
I'm 17, from Ohio, and my IGN is JamesGear111
i invited all. I even invited Nacadia1, but it's telling me i counldn't. are you sure you are giving me a valid Java gamertag?
if not, you should download the java version on your pc and come join us!!
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
19, I'm from Chile but I speak English
steven, the name didn't work.
Ardvark, you're invited
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
and 29y0
Hiya I'm from Australia, age 19, IGN: norfolkowl.
Sparklesmiles, 31, Louisiana USA