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Me and 2 buddies are lookin for a slightly new realm that is on survival. My discord is Daicen#7291. Our IGNs are:
Daicen (me)
I've sent you guys an invite! We just started a 1.14 server and spawn is on a large island.
Add me too? IGN- purpleghost172
Add me gt: Th3 MoNsTaH
Me and 2 buddies are lookin for a slightly new realm that is on survival. My discord is Daicen#7291. Our IGNs are:
Daicen (me)
I've sent you guys an invite! We just started a 1.14 server and spawn is on a large island.
Add me too? IGN- purpleghost172
Add me gt: Th3 MoNsTaH