IGN: RiceBreadPotato
Timezone: GMT + 10 (Australia)
Age: 18
Skill: some redstone, some aesthetic
When You Started Playing MC: 2013
Where from: Indonesia
IGN: WolfCrescent
Timezone: EST
Skill: Experienced
When You Started Playing MC: 4 years ago
Where your from: USA New York
Discord#: WolfCrescent #3155
IGN: yeah_BABY
Timezone: PST
Age: 21
Skill: Really into building efficient farms and know a lot about minecraft. I enjoy making everything I do and have it look the best I can. I know all the basics but am getting used to the new changes as I am a returning player. I am very motivated and am looking to grow a new minecraft community.
When You Started Playing MC: I started playing in beta. Forever ago.
Where your from: California
IGN: Hunath211
Timezone: GMT +2 hours
Age: 18
Skill: Well, im not the best at anything really, however I can do most things decently at the very least and if I put my head into it my work is as good as any!
When You Started Playing MC: 4 September, 2012 (from my Mojang Account date, I don't remember if I ever played before that)
Where your from: Germany, but I can understand and speak English very good
Discord#: Hunath211#6221
IGN: Jesse_Snow
Timezone: EST
Age: 25
Skill: I like to do large builds to live in moderately skilled with intermediate redstone knowledge so nothing fancy in that regard
When You Started Playing MC: Alpha Version released and i played it with a buddy in english class back in highschool!
Where your from: Canada, eh.
IGN: BlazingWalker
Timezone: EST
Skill: redstone and design
When You Started Playing MC: 1.8 beta 2011
Where your from: lived in Germany most of my life but I now live in the US
Mind if I join in?
IGN: RiceBreadPotatoTimezone: GMT + 10 (Australia)
Age: 18
Skill: some redstone, some aesthetic
When You Started Playing MC: 2013
Where from: Indonesia
Discord#: Bryan#3128
Potatoguy invited have fun!
Allizu Accepted!
•IGN: ClassicArmy
•Timezone: UTC -7 (Pacific Daylight Time)
•Age: 24
•Skill: (1/10)
-Building and design (9)
-Overall knowledge of the game (8)
-Redstone (5)
-Combat (7)
•Since Minecraft Beta 1.2 (8 years ago)
•United States
Discord ID:ClassicArmy#1680
Invited Classic Army Have a good one!
Timezone: EST
Skill: Experienced
When You Started Playing MC: 4 years ago
Where your from: USA New York
Discord#: WolfCrescent #3155
Lol this is funny! Allizu now Wolf and fumm and chiggo! Have fun Wolf!
Timezone: PST
Age: 21
Skill: Really into building efficient farms and know a lot about minecraft. I enjoy making everything I do and have it look the best I can. I know all the basics but am getting used to the new changes as I am a returning player. I am very motivated and am looking to grow a new minecraft community.
When You Started Playing MC: I started playing in beta. Forever ago.
Where your from: California
IGN: _JohnLennon
Timezone: EST
Age: 14
Skill: terraforming, building, -cant do redstone
When You Started Playing MC: 2012
Where your from: Australia
Discord: Loorikeet#3465
IGN: GreenieHD
Timezone: GMT+3
Skill: Really good at base building/decorations and Redstone
From: Greece
Greenie invited
Hello there
My IGN is Shaoan_Xi
Discord: Your Ultimate Daddy#9794
I am from Michigan, US
I am 21 years old
Looking forward to be in your realm!
Timezone: GMT +2 hours
Age: 18
Skill: Well, im not the best at anything really, however I can do most things decently at the very least and if I put my head into it my work is as good as any!
When You Started Playing MC: 4 September, 2012 (from my Mojang Account date, I don't remember if I ever played before that)
Where your from: Germany, but I can understand and speak English very good
Discord#: Hunath211#6221
Timezone: +8GMT AKA MYT
Age: 24
Skill: basic redstone (lag friendly focus) and resource gatherer
https://discord.gg/WWsSVcr This is the discord all invited have fun
Timezone: EST
Age: 25
Skill: I like to do large builds to live in moderately skilled with intermediate redstone knowledge so nothing fancy in that regard
When You Started Playing MC: Alpha Version released and i played it with a buddy in english class back in highschool!
Where your from: Canada, eh.
Discord#: Snow#7409
Timezone: EST
Skill: redstone and design
When You Started Playing MC: 1.8 beta 2011
Where your from: lived in Germany most of my life but I now live in the US