My name is Guns4Hire and i'm seaching people who want to play deticated on a realm[/p]
I will host the realm, your age or country dont mather, just want to build a nice community and play with friendly players.[/p]
it almost like hermitcraft only on a realm[/p]
If you Grief you get banned from the realm (you can prank but not destroy)[/p]
Be friendly to other players, (java version)[/p]
If you are interrested message me or comment on this post your username, i will get in contact with you[/p]
My name is Guns4Hire and i'm seaching people who want to play deticated on a realm[/p] I will host the realm, your age or country dont mather, just want to build a nice community and play with friendly players.[/p] it almost like hermitcraft only on a realm[/p] If you Grief you get banned from the realm (you can prank but not destroy)[/p] Be friendly to other players, (java version)[/p] If you are interrested message me or comment on this post your username, i will get in contact with you[/p]
PhantomPieGod, discord is same name
IGN: LordYharim
IGN: Norrez
IGN: SmashSpiro
IGN: Jimnycriket
Ign Noahmisk
IGN: robertmathews
IGN: Bernard75
IGN: panzer8soffice
IGN: SuperNovaxlg
Aslo two questions will there be a discord and also is this a freash world?
IGN: BetaStevie
Discord : BetaStevie#6166
IGN: kewll
my ign is sastofficial
euh yes and yes xd
this is the discord server https://discord.gg/fY4Rn5
Hi I am interested in joining your realm
I.g.n paitentchimp
Based in UK
Age 37
I enjoy all parts of the game.
have been playing for around 5 years
Really enjoy building
Allways happy to lend a hand in community builds.
IGN: firebricks
ign = Voidaxell