Hi there. I have recently set up a minecraft realms and im looking for people to play on it. The realm is going to be longtime and will be driven by the community. The world is currently set on normal difficulty and it will be pure survival at all times. Once you have been invited please join the discord (it is displayed on the realm bio)
What I plan on building is a survival house and not sure what else I can build, but I am willing to be "employed" by others to gather various materials for them.
Discord: PixelStav#4031
What you plan on building: A small survival house! And generally anything that comes to mind!
Invited! Check the realm bio for the discord info!
Discord: Bullini#0273
What you plan on building: a survival house, maybe a few shops
Invited! Check the realm bio for the discord info!
IGN: selestiele
Discord: selestiele#4994
What I plan on building: home base and I have no idea what else. Servers are new to me, but I love the idea of community shops!
You are invited! Check out the realm bio for the discord information! Welcome!
IGN: Poseidon_22
Discord: Poseidon#0943
Invited! Discord info in bio
IGN: kurtxd
discord: kurt#7604
Inivted. Check the bio for the discord!
ign: hugggs
discord: huggggs#5528
Invited! Check realm bio for discord!
IGN - Kingslayer2105
Plans - large (ish) base, interested in trying a fantasy style, automatic farms and shops to help the realm economy
Invited! Check the bio for discord info! Have fun
discord: LightCancel#4101
plans: make auto farms and make lost of redstone stuff
IGN: Acer2690
What I plan on building is a survival house and not sure what else I can build, but I am willing to be "employed" by others to gather various materials for them.
I plan on building just a house, and any necessary survival builds.