Hi, I'm Gothedistance1 and I have a realm where I enjoy architectural and design creations and imaginative constructions. In my realm, we ask before touching/modifying anyone else's buildings (OR LAND) or else there will be questioning and potentially BANS in the case of serious griefing. That was wordy, but I'm just looking for builders who have something to contribute, which I'm sure all of you do have. Reply to this post OR hit my discord Gothedistance1#1941 to ask about joining with these criteria:
Hi, I'm Gothedistance1 and I have a realm where I enjoy architectural and design creations and imaginative constructions. In my realm, we ask before touching/modifying anyone else's buildings (OR LAND) or else there will be questioning and potentially BANS in the case of serious griefing. That was wordy, but I'm just looking for builders who have something to contribute, which I'm sure all of you do have. Reply to this post OR hit my discord Gothedistance1#1941 to ask about joining with these criteria:
1. Your IGN
2. Age
3. Your country of origin OR time zone
4. Your favorite thing about Minecraft
1. Your IGN : TheGoldenPig11
2. Age : 14
3. Your country of origin OR time zone : Australia
4. Your favorite thing about Minecraft : Building
TheGoldenPig11, you're invited! Don't build anything too crazy before I've first been online with you haha...
1. Your IGN: tuxedoarmor
2. Age: 21
3. Your country of origin OR time zone: PST
4. Your favorite thing about Minecraft: Redstone
ign XyourtrashXd age 14 country U.s i like building
1.Your IGN:dont have one
4.Favorourite thing:creative building and pvp
My IGN is SomeEnderBoi