I'm running a vanilla survival realm with 9 active players at the moment. We have an Enderman-Farm for everyone to use, aswell as a 1 player sleeping plugin and a central netherhub where we connect our bases to. We are trying to create a community based environment including lots of community builds, services, shops, bases, games etc. We recently opened the shopping area and a few shops have been built already. You can of course build your own builds pretty much wherever you want. Also if you have any other ideas for builds our community could benefit from, just go ahead and create them!
The realm is roughly 3 months old now and there is plenty to be done in the infinite world of Minecraft.
If you're looking for a short-lasting survival experience, this might not be the realm for you. We're all trying to have fun by creating our own little world with alot of variety.
If you like what you just read and want to join, please fill out this form and post it down below:
Minecraft nickname* -
Age* -
Country* -
How long have you been playing the game for? -
Describe your playstyle as best as you can* -
Ideas for builds (community/own) -
When will you be most active? -
Additional info -
*necessary information
You will need Discord in order to join the realm (creating an account and downloading Discord is free)! I would like to invite you to the Discord-Server I've made for the realm before you join our realm! =) You will find some general information aswell as some basic rules in it. We also share pictures of our progress, thoughts on improvements of the realm and leave messages to people with different timezones in it.
You can also add me on Discord and message me that you applied on here. (I will reply very quick during the day and late evening [timezone CET], meaning you could join the realm shortly after applying. I am trying to have a look into the thread every few hours during the day aswell).
My Discord: luke#4377
I am very much looking forward to your applies and further down the line - meet you on our realm!
Hey I tried to message you on discord but it was blocked so I sent a friend request. ItsColour is the name.
I'm 31, and played minecraft off and on since the beta days. Not very good with aesthetics but I can do redstone for most things. Generally just enjoy collecting things, so huge storage systems and auto miners ect
Age: 14
Country Philippines
Played For: About 6 years (Not that everyday)
Capable of Average PvP, Building, Redstone, etc.
Plans for Building: Making a Mansion
Activity: Depends
Info: The main reason why I am looking for realm invites is to be with a quite amount of number of people to be around with so I won't be always lonely.
How long have you been playing the game for? - Around six years because I remember 1.6 in 2013 (The Horse Update).
Describe your playstyle as best as you can - I don't take the game too seriously since I've gotten bored of mining for hours, but I like to build community structures or make fun stuff like a boat race or redstone minigames. I know quite a bit about several things but when it comes to anything new within a few years or so I might not know much.
Building plans for the realm - I prefer to build my base far out but still accessible to spawn and will probably work on some random fun stuff once I get settled. Depending on the rules or how spawn is I don't know exactly what to build yet but probably something random and fun. I've been thinking about making a horse racing track.
How active will you be? - Because of some IRL things going on I'm currently not going to school (I'm getting my GED) and have tons of free time. I mostly want to join so I can interact with some other people while my friends are at school. I'll be on a lot basically.
More info - The last realm I was on lasted a while but it got inactive and sort of derailed. I haven't been on yet but it sounds like it will be good and last a while. Also my discord is Swaggius and I prefer not to use voice chat.
Age-16 comin up on 17
Country-USA (NM)
I've been playing for about 2 or 3 years for the most part.
If i had to describe my play style it would be more as a survival person, but if things get bored then i will sorta boost myself using creative.
My building plans will be sorta more of a modern esc if i have the right items.
I will most likely be on most of the day depending on my mood that day.
Info - I do this stuff cause i like people that are willing to do stuff with me, cause being alone can get super boring.
IGN : Jewseeass Age: 21 Country: US Been playing since 2009 open beta. My playstyle? Not much of a builder, I like surviving with other players and exploring while gathering resources. I would call myself a collector. Buildingplans: Hopefully i can learn more about that here lol . How active? I'll be on a lot. daily most likely.
Names Miles, Ign is pir2 age 26 and living in the US. Been playing for.. 3 years or so? with breaks between. I usually aim at building large buildings/trees/towns/caves, you name it, and try to wrap my head around red-stone stuff - - I don't like to Youtube tutorials, I prefer to figure it out myself. I'm pretty much just going to school (junior in university) and gamin out so I'll be pretty active. I've played a few realms and online servers before, and usually am the best builder, which I plan on takin the role as if I'm invited. Hit me up; my discord is Redrum Jerry
How long have you been playing the game for? - Since 2013 in the 1.5.2 version
Describe your playstyle as best as you can - I like to gather lots of materials myself first to be able to create pretty buildings and love community-based servers. I dislike when the gamers in a server are not engaged and active, not really because of the quantity of players but how much they care.
Buildingplans for the realm - I love to build cozy, nice homes but also shops and roads and village features that add beauty to the gameplay.
How active will you be? - I'll hop on almost every day for at least an hour each session.
More info - I do feel bored by regular minecraft servers and, to be honest, have never joined and barely once tried realms. I would love to be invited to one and I will contribute to building a nice village or community.
Hi y'all,
I'm running a vanilla survival realm with 9 active players at the moment. We have an Enderman-Farm for everyone to use, aswell as a 1 player sleeping plugin and a central netherhub where we connect our bases to. We are trying to create a community based environment including lots of community builds, services, shops, bases, games etc. We recently opened the shopping area and a few shops have been built already. You can of course build your own builds pretty much wherever you want. Also if you have any other ideas for builds our community could benefit from, just go ahead and create them!
The realm is roughly 3 months old now and there is plenty to be done in the infinite world of Minecraft.
If you're looking for a short-lasting survival experience, this might not be the realm for you. We're all trying to have fun by creating our own little world with alot of variety.
If you like what you just read and want to join, please fill out this form and post it down below:
Minecraft nickname* -
Age* -
Country* -
How long have you been playing the game for? -
Describe your playstyle as best as you can* -
Ideas for builds (community/own) -
When will you be most active? -
Additional info -
*necessary information
You will need Discord in order to join the realm (creating an account and downloading Discord is free)! I would like to invite you to the Discord-Server I've made for the realm before you join our realm! =) You will find some general information aswell as some basic rules in it. We also share pictures of our progress, thoughts on improvements of the realm and leave messages to people with different timezones in it.
You can also add me on Discord and message me that you applied on here. (I will reply very quick during the day and late evening [timezone CET], meaning you could join the realm shortly after applying. I am trying to have a look into the thread every few hours during the day aswell).
My Discord: luke#4377
I am very much looking forward to your applies and further down the line - meet you on our realm!
- luke
age 17
discord Shaggy#7730
around 2k hours in game time
Experienced builder
In game name :Norvelle_Rogers
With regards
(This isnt a meme btw People call me shaggy In real life too)
My name is Martin and I am from Slovakia.
I would be interested in playing on your realm, I am experienced in Minecraft, and kinda a good builder.
I do have dicord, will provide after further contact.
I am 18 years old and my in game name is FrankerSK
With appreciation,
-Frank (Thats how friends call me)
Hey I tried to message you on discord but it was blocked so I sent a friend request. ItsColour is the name.
I'm 31, and played minecraft off and on since the beta days. Not very good with aesthetics but I can do redstone for most things. Generally just enjoy collecting things, so huge storage systems and auto miners ect
I'm 37
I'm an experienced player. Im not interested in pvp or cruel pranks. I enjoy building and sharing my creations with a community.
I am pretty sure I just deleted my discord a month or so ago ;/
IGN: Kalye
Contacted all of you in some form! =) Shaggy and ItsColour already joined the realm! Looking forward to more applies.
dreadspydr - Ive messaged you =)
Messaged you! =)
IGN: Special70
Age: 14
Country Philippines
Played For: About 6 years (Not that everyday)
Capable of Average PvP, Building, Redstone, etc.
Plans for Building: Making a Mansion
Activity: Depends
Info: The main reason why I am looking for realm invites is to be with a quite amount of number of people to be around with so I won't be always lonely.
IGN - SedwigThePig
Age - 16
Country - USA (Oregon/PST)
How long have you been playing the game for? - Around six years because I remember 1.6 in 2013 (The Horse Update).
Describe your playstyle as best as you can - I don't take the game too seriously since I've gotten bored of mining for hours, but I like to build community structures or make fun stuff like a boat race or redstone minigames. I know quite a bit about several things but when it comes to anything new within a few years or so I might not know much.
Building plans for the realm - I prefer to build my base far out but still accessible to spawn and will probably work on some random fun stuff once I get settled. Depending on the rules or how spawn is I don't know exactly what to build yet but probably something random and fun. I've been thinking about making a horse racing track.
How active will you be? - Because of some IRL things going on I'm currently not going to school (I'm getting my GED) and have tons of free time. I mostly want to join so I can interact with some other people while my friends are at school. I'll be on a lot basically.
More info - The last realm I was on lasted a while but it got inactive and sort of derailed. I haven't been on yet but it sounds like it will be good and last a while. Also my discord is Swaggius and I prefer not to use voice chat.
Both whitelisted
Age-16 comin up on 17
Country-USA (NM)
I've been playing for about 2 or 3 years for the most part.
If i had to describe my play style it would be more as a survival person, but if things get bored then i will sorta boost myself using creative.
My building plans will be sorta more of a modern esc if i have the right items.
I will most likely be on most of the day depending on my mood that day.
Info - I do this stuff cause i like people that are willing to do stuff with me, cause being alone can get super boring.
whitelisted! =)
IGN : Jewseeass Age: 21 Country: US Been playing since 2009 open beta. My playstyle? Not much of a builder, I like surviving with other players and exploring while gathering resources. I would call myself a collector. Buildingplans: Hopefully i can learn more about that here lol . How active? I'll be on a lot. daily most likely.
Hey, how goes it?
Names Miles, Ign is pir2 age 26 and living in the US. Been playing for.. 3 years or so? with breaks between. I usually aim at building large buildings/trees/towns/caves, you name it, and try to wrap my head around red-stone stuff - - I don't like to Youtube tutorials, I prefer to figure it out myself. I'm pretty much just going to school (junior in university) and gamin out so I'll be pretty active. I've played a few realms and online servers before, and usually am the best builder, which I plan on takin the role as if I'm invited. Hit me up; my discord is Redrum Jerry
pir2 whitelisted!
Added you on Discord! Name is Illuminate66#4278.
Look forward to talking to you!
IGN - IviFetita
Age - 15, almost 16
Country - Argentina
How long have you been playing the game for? - Since 2013 in the 1.5.2 version
Describe your playstyle as best as you can - I like to gather lots of materials myself first to be able to create pretty buildings and love community-based servers. I dislike when the gamers in a server are not engaged and active, not really because of the quantity of players but how much they care.
Buildingplans for the realm - I love to build cozy, nice homes but also shops and roads and village features that add beauty to the gameplay.
How active will you be? - I'll hop on almost every day for at least an hour each session.
More info - I do feel bored by regular minecraft servers and, to be honest, have never joined and barely once tried realms. I would love to be invited to one and I will contribute to building a nice village or community.
I'm IviFetita#0696 on discord
IGN: Stoxey
Age: 18
Country: Estonia
How long have you been playing the game for?: Since 2009-2010, dont know exactly
Describe your playstyle as best as you can: average, mostly living in cave or building medieval house, also like building automatic farms
Buildingplans for the realm: cave base and automatic farms
How active will you be? few hours a day