I have started up a new vanilla realm. Either reply, PM me on here or join the discord link at the bottom. There is no need to join discord if you don’t have it but that will be the general area we converse with news etc. Please include ign and years played (new players welcomed too) Look forward to meeting everyone
!Rules and guidelines!
1. No greifing or trolling. If it is reported to me with evidence or someone to back said person up you will be removed.
2. There is no requirement to build at spawn or contribute to anything. While me and a few people will build around spawn it’s up to you what you want to do. Join in or go and explore, it’s your choice!
3. Keep the world looking tidy. Don’t leave your cobble or dirt towers, replant trees and chop trees fully down ect.
4. Be respectful of others and no rudeness. I enjoy a good chat so feel free to join in. I don’t bite 😂.
I have started up a new vanilla realm. Either reply, PM me on here or join the discord link at the bottom. There is no need to join discord if you don’t have it but that will be the general area we converse with news etc. Please include ign and years played (new players welcomed too) Look forward to meeting everyone
!Rules and guidelines!
1. No greifing or trolling. If it is reported to me with evidence or someone to back said person up you will be removed.
2. There is no requirement to build at spawn or contribute to anything. While me and a few people will build around spawn it’s up to you what you want to do. Join in or go and explore, it’s your choice!
3. Keep the world looking tidy. Don’t leave your cobble or dirt towers, replant trees and chop trees fully down ect.
4. Be respectful of others and no rudeness. I enjoy a good chat so feel free to join in. I don’t bite 😂.
5. No stealing
Discord link: https://discord.gg/p8amSMd
Sounds good to me!
2 or 3 years playing.
Mini_kiykiy ign
yeah I would like too join too if I could
ign distancekm
IGN: RiceBreadPotato
Would love to join! been playing for 5 years.
The Discord link is invalid, btw.
would like to join
4 years played
IGN: Huuskyy
Years Played: 4
Would like to join and play
Would love to join!
IGN: __Karl
Years Played: 7
I've played for 5 years as of yesterday
Years: 7
I would love to join.
IGN: el_drakko
been playing 2 to 3 years
ill join been playing for like 8-9 years
ign : bluesnake2006
discord link above when trying to access says invalid
i'd like to join if still accepting new people.
IGN: skarletroze
IGN: meggiee
I'm not 18 yet but I will be in 4 days! (on the 26th)
Hi there! I'd like to join your realm. I've been playing for 5 years. I'm 23 years old. My ign is Pilsner_Larson.
hi everyone, there has been a slight change of direction on the realm. See the new realm post here https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers-java-edition/minecraft-realms/2935899-minecraft-survival-realm-18-unique-set-up i hope people are still interested in joining. I will add the people on here but i don't mind if you guys pass on it
rules are still the same. Just some building around spawn.