Need new players. 21 and over but might make exceptions if you are 18. We only have keep inventory on but nothing else its all vanilla, so if you dont mind an want a good play with friends and others pleas leave your IGN, How long you have played, What you like doing best, and leave your discord information so i can add you.
How long have I played? I have played since thedutchlpguy had his series on youtube so around 2010 I think. I like building mostly interiors since most of my play time I live in a mine. Nocturna12#6164
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
IGN: zo8
Age: 18
I've played for a good while, probably since the Adventure update. I like building really big things and expanding on that one project, but what I like the most about the game is the community aspect of it. After school or soccer or whatever, I like being able to jump online and hang out with people that have the same interests as me.
Need new players. 21 and over but might make exceptions if you are 18. We only have keep inventory on but nothing else its all vanilla, so if you dont mind an want a good play with friends and others pleas leave your IGN, How long you have played, What you like doing best, and leave your discord information so i can add you.
Ign: Nocturna12
Age: 22
How long have I played? I have played since thedutchlpguy had his series on youtube so around 2010 I think. I like building mostly interiors since most of my play time I live in a mine. Nocturna12#6164
IGN: WingedFalon
Age: 18
I love to build and focus on surviving, working with others occasionally to build some cool things.
Discord: WingedFalon
IGN: zo8
Age: 18
I've played for a good while, probably since the Adventure update. I like building really big things and expanding on that one project, but what I like the most about the game is the community aspect of it. After school or soccer or whatever, I like being able to jump online and hang out with people that have the same interests as me.
Discord: #6573
Hey all of you have been added i will get you an invite to discord asap hope you all enjoy
IGN: RiceBreadPotato
Age: 18
Been playing on/off since 2012. Used to focus on redstone builds. Turns out freeform building is a lot more fun.
Discord: Bryan#3128