IGN - dangernoodleo
Where are you from - im from Canada
What time do you play- anytime after school or dinner depending on the day
Reason for applying- im a sucker for fantasy builds and worlds and i just want to practice my building and play with other people
Your building skills from 1 -10 - i would say around a 6? im not the best but im trying
Can you speak English and not start conversation with other languages in chat- yup! i only know English so
9 - But it's mostly functional, not so much ascetic. I'm excellent at modding various redstone machines on youtube to suit my own needs. As well have invented a few simple things on my own.
-Can you speak english and not start conversation with other languages in chat?
Yup. And I read spanish quite well, but don't spit it out nearly as efficient.
IGN - dangernoodleo
Where are you from - im from Canada
What time do you play- anytime after school or dinner depending on the day
Reason for applying- im a sucker for fantasy builds and worlds and i just want to practice my building and play with other people
Your building skills from 1 -10 - i would say around a 6? im not the best but im trying
Can you speak English and not start conversation with other languages in chat- yup! i only know English so
-Ign: Nivera126
-Where I'm from: West USA
-What time do I play: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. or later
-I'm applying because this realm sounds fun and I would definitely play a lot if I'm invited
-My building skills are a good 8 smaller builds are my go to thing but I can still help with big community builds
-Yes I can speak English, I wrote this whole thing didn't I, I will probably barely speak but it really depends
-IGN Maklehu
US East coast
I like creating lore and I am great at coming up with Ideas. And it sucks when I have nobody to play with.
I studied various archetypes for my various playthroughs and most of mine are at most 8, and at least 6 (because of problems)
I only speak english and can be of any kind of personality required.
-IGN: BobB04
-Where you are from:New York new jersey area
-what time do you play: 12pm to to 10 pm
-Reason for applying : I love the game and want to join a realm to have the Minecraft experience with others
-your building skills from 1 and 10. im about a 5 I can build medieval and stuff just not to crazy of detail
-Can you speak english and not start conversation with other languages in chat? I can only speak English lol
-Where you are from
-what time do you play
-Reason for applying
I dig the idea of a roleplay server
-your building skills from 1 and 10.
9 - But it's mostly functional, not so much ascetic. I'm excellent at modding various redstone machines on youtube to suit my own needs. As well have invented a few simple things on my own.
-Can you speak english and not start conversation with other languages in chat?
Yup. And I read spanish quite well, but don't spit it out nearly as efficient.
-IGN - SnopySnopyJr (and Honey1019478)
-Where you are from - America (and america)
-what time do you play - when i dont have school work and on the weekends (and it depends)
-Reason for applying - I have my own fantasy world but its not a realm so people cant play when im off and we wanted to join one like that
-your building skills from 1 and 10. - honey said im a 10 i think like an 8 idk (she said shes a 6)
-Can you speak english and not start conversation with other languages in chat? we both only speak english
this is for two people me and honey
-My IGN is xFox_PL
-I'm from Poland
-A few times a week
-I love medieval style buildings, actions sound really interesting and playing with someone else is better than playing solo.
-Building skill? It's hard to tell. Maybe 7/10