I would like to join I am good at commands redstone and building. I used to have admin on a server and builder on another. My ign is Nathan121234 discord-Phantom198#0430 Thanks 👍
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
I'm Niklas from Lithuania. I'm pretty old term minecraft player looking for a realm and possible long-term family to play with. On a building side, I'm quite good, I mostly build wooden, medieval type of buildings, but I'm learning about modern type of buildings as well. Although I'm hard working, but have good charisma, so we could lough our asses off. Feel free to add me- Niklav
can i join ur realm my ign is PhgamerSteve
I would like to join I am good at commands redstone and building. I used to have admin on a server and builder on another. My ign is Nathan121234 discord-Phantom198#0430 Thanks 👍
age: 18
discord: NATEDAWWG14#0270
I'm Niklas from Lithuania. I'm pretty old term minecraft player looking for a realm and possible long-term family to play with. On a building side, I'm quite good, I mostly build wooden, medieval type of buildings, but I'm learning about modern type of buildings as well. Although I'm hard working, but have good charisma, so we could lough our asses off. Feel free to add me- Niklav
I'll be waiting for you response
I would love to play
Ign: Element_85
tried the discord and it didn’t work.
ign XyourtrashXd
Hey! Could I join?
IGN: Lassini
discord: Lassini#1821
I love playing with other people! I wont break the rules! Its a promise ;v
IGN : BurnSchool I'd really like to join :DDDD
Sure! i'll joine IGN is junebug08
IGN: Larzuk
Good evening, I was playing on this Realm named as Niklav, was off for some time for personal problems, I would like to get back
I'd love to join! IGN: Serenity2113 ♡♡
can i please join discord is spongeybob1375 and the code is 1375 my username is deathbycupcake5
Hi I know I’m late... are spots still open? If so then I’d love to join!!! GT: SamBam32
Heyo! I just saw this recently, Im a bit late on the topic. Any chance I can join? My username is Isau
plz invite me ING: GINGYCOOKIE
Hey i would like to join your realm
IGN: Kutzeee
could I join my name is Kakka1234