The server is temporarily a realms server, as 1.13 has high specs & causes extreme lag!
We now have a 16+ age limit! If your not 16 but want to join, you'll be accepted if your mature enough.
My Discord: Chhat#2206
Tutorial to join Realms:
Application Process: (Provide as much detail as possible)
(optional) Preferred Name:
(16+) Age:
(optional) Discord Name & #:
Timezone/Country Region:
In-Game Skills:
What can you bring to the community:
Tell us a little about you:
(optional) Questions about the server:
So a griefer *attempted* to grief the server. He was stopped and the map was reverted back to normal, but the avoid situations like this in the future, ill be taking applications more seriously. So ill be requiring more detail in applications. Don't just fill it in 1 or 2 sentences, or you will be denied. Just provide a bit of detail, and you'll be fine.
DISCORD AND # (Optional): ketama#5651
BEST SKILL (ie redstone, building etc): ressource gathering and building
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: Hey, i used to play mine craft from 2009 to 2013 and i'd like to find a nice server with respectful people to enjoy the survival aspect and start getting into the pvp side of the game. I'm just starting again so it should be fun to enjoy the new beginnings, so to say, in a online community.
IGN: CreederDaCreeper (Soon going to change it to TheGamingRipper)
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 15 years old.
DISCORD AND #: Ripper#6504
BEST SKILL: Resource gathering, building
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I like playing games, drawing and playing with my dog. My favourite games are Minecraft, fortnite, and overwatch.
I play Minecraft since 2014 and I am really looking forward to playing on this realm
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 16
DISCORD AND # (Optional): Ravenstar45#6052
BEST SKILL (ie redstone, building etc): Farming, Hunting, Gathering (Resources, etc)
About me: Well, I like to play Minecraft obviously. I like to draw, sing, and I have been obsessed with turtles in the new update. (I've made plenty of turtle farms.) I enjoy playing with other people, get lonely easily. If voice chat is available for anyone I would greatly enjoy it. I've joined a few realm communities but I want to be in one that people are actually active in, and enjoy the little bit of summer break I have left.
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 15
DISCORD AND # (Optional): SgtDowny#9739
BEST SKILL: Resource gathering, building
About me: I like to play Minecraft...I don't have many friends that play Minecraft (Lonely) so i'm looking for new ones to play with. I enjoying building sometimes... but to be truthful im not very good at it so im looking for people that can teach me how to build like a pro, or give tips on how to improve my building capabilities.
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 16
DISCORD AND # (Optional): Ravenstar45#6052
BEST SKILL (ie redstone, building etc): Farming, Hunting, Gathering (Resources, etc)
About me: Well, I like to play Minecraft obviously. I like to draw, sing, and I have been obsessed with turtles in the new update. (I've made plenty of turtle farms.) I enjoy playing with other people, get lonely easily. If voice chat is available for anyone I would greatly enjoy it. I've joined a few realm communities but I want to be in one that people are actually active in, and enjoy the little bit of summer break I have left.
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 15
DISCORD AND # (Optional): SgtDowny#9739
BEST SKILL: Resource gathering, building
About me: I like to play Minecraft...I don't have many friends that play Minecraft (Lonely) so i'm looking for new ones to play with. I enjoying building sometimes... but to be truthful im not very good at it so im looking for people that can teach me how to build like a pro, or give tips on how to improve my building capabilities.
Added on discord, but please use the updated format.
In-game Skills: I'm great at mining and not much else.
What can you bring to the community: Someone who is willing to put in the hours of mining (in spite of his fear of silverfish) to build up a stockpile of ores and other items that he's willing to trade with everyone who needs them.
Tell us a little about you: I've been playing Minecraft since around the 1.3 beta and I have always enjoyed being able to share the experience with other players. I get bored of singleplayer easily and I'm looking for something new.
AGE: 24
DISCORD AND #: lordmelchy #6789
BEST SKILL (ie redstone, building etc): A mix of redstone and house building.
Most of my multiplayer experience so far has been building large houses/bases. but I want to start building more farms and getting back into redstone. Have been playing on a realm with friends until now but now i'm basically the only active player so it is getting boring, would like to join a mature server and start some new builds.
Your application is denied. Please use the updated format.
In-game Skills: I'm great at mining and not much else.
What can you bring to the community: Someone who is willing to put in the hours of mining (in spite of his fear of silverfish) to build up a stockpile of ores and other items that he's willing to trade with everyone who needs them.
Tell us a little about you: I've been playing Minecraft since around the 1.3 beta and I have always enjoyed being able to share the experience with other players. I get bored of singleplayer easily and I'm looking for something new.
For some reason, I simply cannot connect to the realm. Every time I try, I get the message "failed to connect to server" and the game crashes to the desktop. I tried everything. I'm giving up for now. I'll try again tomorrow, unless someone has an idea.
For some reason, I simply cannot connect to the realm. Every time I try, I get the message "failed to connect to server" and the game crashes to the desktop. I tried everything. I'm giving up for now. I'll try again tomorrow, unless someone has an idea.
it seems that all our members are having this problem. ill pm you once the server is back online
The server is temporarily a realms server, as 1.13 has high specs & causes extreme lag!
We now have a 16+ age limit! If your not 16 but want to join, you'll be accepted if your mature enough.
My Discord: Chhat#2206
(optional) Preferred Name:
(16+) Age:
(optional) Discord Name & #:
Timezone/Country Region:
In-Game Skills:
What can you bring to the community:
Tell us a little about you:
(optional) Questions about the server:
The rules has been updated to fit in the realms standards.
Major Point:
AFK Fishing is Now Banned!
[Deleted Reply]
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest):DISCORD AND # (Optional):
BEST SKILL (ie redstone, building etc):
I've invited you to the realms. Welcome to the server
added on discord
Added on discord
IGN: Ravenstar45
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 16
DISCORD AND # (Optional): Ravenstar45#6052
BEST SKILL (ie redstone, building etc): Farming, Hunting, Gathering (Resources, etc)
About me: Well, I like to play Minecraft obviously. I like to draw, sing, and I have been obsessed with turtles in the new update. (I've made plenty of turtle farms.) I enjoy playing with other people, get lonely easily. If voice chat is available for anyone I would greatly enjoy it. I've joined a few realm communities but I want to be in one that people are actually active in, and enjoy the little bit of summer break I have left.
- Ravenstar45 <3
IGN: Snickery
AGE (doesn't matter so be honest): 15
DISCORD AND # (Optional): SgtDowny#9739
BEST SKILL: Resource gathering, building
About me: I like to play Minecraft...I don't have many friends that play Minecraft (Lonely) so i'm looking for new ones to play with. I enjoying building sometimes... but to be truthful im not very good at it so im looking for people that can teach me how to build like a pro, or give tips on how to improve my building capabilities.
Added on discord, but please use the updated format.
IGN: TheLoZKing
Preferred Name: King
Age: 23
Country/Timezone: USA, Mountain Standard Timezone
In-game Skills: I'm great at mining and not much else.
What can you bring to the community: Someone who is willing to put in the hours of mining (in spite of his fear of silverfish) to build up a stockpile of ores and other items that he's willing to trade with everyone who needs them.
Tell us a little about you: I've been playing Minecraft since around the 1.3 beta and I have always enjoyed being able to share the experience with other players. I get bored of singleplayer easily and I'm looking for something new.
I hope to see you all soon.
Your application is denied. Please use the updated format.
For some reason, I simply cannot connect to the realm. Every time I try, I get the message "failed to connect to server" and the game crashes to the desktop. I tried everything. I'm giving up for now. I'll try again tomorrow, unless someone has an idea.
it seems that all our members are having this problem. ill pm you once the server is back online
I feel better knowing that it's not just me. Means my computer hasn't given up on me yet. I'll be waiting.
server is back up. sorry for the wait
Season 2 has ended! Thanks for playing!