Hey everyone my name is Levi, my community is based off FPS games and has always had an interest in the past (Minecraft).
So we decided to launch a realms server in our community and bring everyone together who misses good old minecraft being played the way its meant to be played.
Our Realm is Always Going to Be Available, And it is Here to Stay, For The LONG TERM.
So don't worry about the server being closed or unavailable because we can easily pay for it.
PVP is currently DISABLED (I am looking to have a group of FRIENDS here, not people that want to fight with each other.) But in the future PVP may be available, but will ONLY be allowed in cases where both parties AGREE to a PVP match.
This world will ALWAYS BE Pure Vanilla Minecraft, set to Survival Mode (and that is NEVER going to change.)
There will NEVER be any Plugins or Texture packs etc. used on this realm. EVERYTHING is always going to be pure vanilla / default
NO ONE will ever receive special treatment, and no one will EVER be able to pay me to give them items or special abilities (IE: lame cheating abilities).
So in other words, no one will ever be able to BUY their way into anything. The whole point of this server is for EVERYONE (including MYSELF), to be on Equal Ground.
I Have Absolutely NO TOLERANCE for Cheating in any Shape or Form, and This Will Be Closely Monitored. No duping items or bug exploits, no x-ray, and NO mods or hacks of ANY kind will be tolerated here. Also, No AFK Fishing. NO EXCEPTIONS.
1. Be Mature, Polite, Friendly, and Respectful to All Other Players, at All Times
2. NO CHEATING in Any Shape or Form (this includes Duping Items, Using Mods or Cheats, X-Ray, etc. etc.
3.a NO CHEATING in Any Shape or Form (I have ZERO tolerance for this... and ANY form of cheating, as mentioned above, will result in a PERMANENT Ban.) And just to be clear, did I mention NO CHEATING?
3.b NO "AFK FISHING". Not only is AFK Fishing Lame and Cheap, it also Takes Up One of The (10) Player Slots on the Realm, which isn't fair to other players trying to join.
4. NO STEALING. So in other words, if it isn't something that NATURALLY generated in the world, don't take it. If an animal is inside of a fenced in area, don't kill or take it.
5a. NO GRIEFING. Not to state the obvious, but mainly that means no destroying or modifying anyone else's stuff, and no building near their stuff, EVER (UNLESS they give you their consent, of course.)
5b. Unless you have their consent, please build at LEAST 100 blocks away from someone else's build. This doesn't really apply to DEEP underground mining, but please use common sense and stay away from other people's mine(s) if happen to dig into one by accident.
5c. Don't destroy or modify other people's structures etc. in the Netherworld (IE: No Griefing in the Nether World either.) HOWEVER, You ARE allowed to build NEAR other players' structures etc. in the Netherworld (within reason), as long as you don't modify or destroy anything that they have built there. But again, please keep it within REASON (common sense should help a lot here
5d. Other Than in The Netherworld, Don't build near other people's stuff UNLESS you have their permission. The Rule Here is Simple: do NOT Build Within 100 Blocks of Someone Else's Stuff. And considering how HUGE the world of Minecraft is, this should NEVER be a problem. And YES I just repeated what I said above (in 5b), but I really want to make this rule clear to everyone
5e. Whoever builds in an area FIRST is going to be the one that has say over who (if anyone) can build near them (IE: within 100 blocks of their build.) ALSO, please do NOT try to claim a bunch of different areas by just placing one stupid little thing in the area, like a Treasure Chest. Please at LEAST build some sort of Small structure, at the very least
5.f If you want to be able to EASILY prove that you were the first one to build somewhere, simply contact me and let me know as soon as you START building somewhere. Just give me the date that you started building, and the COORDINATES of where you are building. But seriously guys, this should NEVER be an issue here, because the whole point of this realm / server is to get a group of GOOD, Respectful people together to play Minecraft.
5g. If you guys want to get together and build a city and town together, please just contact me, and then we'll go from there. Basically everyone involved will have to come to a reasonable agreement on how it will be built and owned, etc.
6a. Don't be messy. IE: don't build 1x1 towers unless you plan on taking them down after. And if you chop down trees, chop ALL of the tree, so that the leaves disappear. NOTE: you CAN be "messy" on your OWN property if you choose to do so, but do you really want to make your OWN area(s) look like crap?
6b. Please don't be messy in the Netherworld either (obviously there is a little more slack in the Netherworld, but don't turn it into a COMPLETE dump please
7. Don't build near the World Spawn Point. Please build at least 50 - 100 blocks or more from the World Spawn point if possible. Lets keep that area clean for new players that join the Realm. If you need help defending yourself from the mobs at first, while you get established, just ask
8a. Please don't ask for hand outs. Asking for help is ok, but don't expect everything to just be handed to you. I truly believe this game is FAR more enjoyable when you have to EARN things yourself.
8b. I don't mind people helping one another out (helping people is GOOD, and the whole point of this realm is to be a group of friends), but PLEASE keep it within reason. For example, please don't hand out iron or diamond items, or fancy building materials etc. to people that have just joined the realm / server. I would MUCH rather see you help them out by protecting them from mobs, so that they can get on their feet when they first join.
8c. If you die and lose your items, don't expect me to magically restore them, or teleport you to where you died, or ANYTHING along those lines. If you die and lose your items, they are GONE for good. This is all part of the game, and This Same Rule Applies to MYSELF as well
8d. There will be absolutely NO cheesy short cuts, commands (cheats), teleporting, use of mods, or ANY of that stupid crap. In other words, I will NEVER be doing or using ANY of that cheesy crap, Not Even For Myself. So again, if you die and lose your stuff, unless you can retrieve it the LEGIT way, then your stuff will be gone for good. I'm not saying you can't ask for LEGIT help getting your stuff back, but by the time you receive LEGIT help, your items will probably have despawned
8e. The same rule mentioned above (in 8d) also applies to things like Creeper explosion damage. So if your building etc. gets blown to H*LL by a Creeper, I will NOT be rolling the damage back or pulling building blocks out of thin air to fix it. The SAME Rule applies to MYSELF as well
9. HAVE FUN. The whole point of this realm for people to have fun playing Minecraft together (or even solo, if they choose.) And if you absolutely LOVE Pure, 100% Vanilla Minecraft like I do, then you are going to have a LOT of fun here
Anyways, I guess that is about it.
Again, I am looking for Mature, Friendly, and Polite players over the age of 18.
Your Age.
Why you feel that you will be a good fit for this realm / server.
Your IGN (in game name.)
That you have read and fully understand the rules of this realm / server.
All applications will be handled via DISCORD from there we can verify your age and true intentions for joining the server. Thank you everyone!
Hey everyone my name is Levi, my community is based off FPS games and has always had an interest in the past (Minecraft).
So we decided to launch a realms server in our community and bring everyone together who misses good old minecraft being played the way its meant to be played.
Our Realm is Always Going to Be Available, And it is Here to Stay, For The LONG TERM.
So don't worry about the server being closed or unavailable because we can easily pay for it.
PVP is currently DISABLED (I am looking to have a group of FRIENDS here, not people that want to fight with each other.) But in the future PVP may be available, but will ONLY be allowed in cases where both parties AGREE to a PVP match.
This world will ALWAYS BE Pure Vanilla Minecraft, set to Survival Mode (and that is NEVER going to change.)
There will NEVER be any Plugins or Texture packs etc. used on this realm. EVERYTHING is always going to be pure vanilla / default
NO ONE will ever receive special treatment, and no one will EVER be able to pay me to give them items or special abilities (IE: lame cheating abilities).
So in other words, no one will ever be able to BUY their way into anything. The whole point of this server is for EVERYONE (including MYSELF), to be on Equal Ground.
I Have Absolutely NO TOLERANCE for Cheating in any Shape or Form, and This Will Be Closely Monitored. No duping items or bug exploits, no x-ray, and NO mods or hacks of ANY kind will be tolerated here. Also, No AFK Fishing. NO EXCEPTIONS.
1. Be Mature, Polite, Friendly, and Respectful to All Other Players, at All Times
2. NO CHEATING in Any Shape or Form (this includes Duping Items, Using Mods or Cheats, X-Ray, etc. etc.
3.a NO CHEATING in Any Shape or Form (I have ZERO tolerance for this... and ANY form of cheating, as mentioned above, will result in a PERMANENT Ban.) And just to be clear, did I mention NO CHEATING?
3.b NO "AFK FISHING". Not only is AFK Fishing Lame and Cheap, it also Takes Up One of The (10) Player Slots on the Realm, which isn't fair to other players trying to join.
4. NO STEALING. So in other words, if it isn't something that NATURALLY generated in the world, don't take it. If an animal is inside of a fenced in area, don't kill or take it.
5a. NO GRIEFING. Not to state the obvious, but mainly that means no destroying or modifying anyone else's stuff, and no building near their stuff, EVER (UNLESS they give you their consent, of course.)
5b. Unless you have their consent, please build at LEAST 100 blocks away from someone else's build. This doesn't really apply to DEEP underground mining, but please use common sense and stay away from other people's mine(s) if happen to dig into one by accident.
5c. Don't destroy or modify other people's structures etc. in the Netherworld (IE: No Griefing in the Nether World either.) HOWEVER, You ARE allowed to build NEAR other players' structures etc. in the Netherworld (within reason), as long as you don't modify or destroy anything that they have built there. But again, please keep it within REASON (common sense should help a lot here
5d. Other Than in The Netherworld, Don't build near other people's stuff UNLESS you have their permission. The Rule Here is Simple: do NOT Build Within 100 Blocks of Someone Else's Stuff. And considering how HUGE the world of Minecraft is, this should NEVER be a problem. And YES I just repeated what I said above (in 5b), but I really want to make this rule clear to everyone
5e. Whoever builds in an area FIRST is going to be the one that has say over who (if anyone) can build near them (IE: within 100 blocks of their build.) ALSO, please do NOT try to claim a bunch of different areas by just placing one stupid little thing in the area, like a Treasure Chest. Please at LEAST build some sort of Small structure, at the very least
5.f If you want to be able to EASILY prove that you were the first one to build somewhere, simply contact me and let me know as soon as you START building somewhere. Just give me the date that you started building, and the COORDINATES of where you are building. But seriously guys, this should NEVER be an issue here, because the whole point of this realm / server is to get a group of GOOD, Respectful people together to play Minecraft.
5g. If you guys want to get together and build a city and town together, please just contact me, and then we'll go from there. Basically everyone involved will have to come to a reasonable agreement on how it will be built and owned, etc.
6a. Don't be messy. IE: don't build 1x1 towers unless you plan on taking them down after. And if you chop down trees, chop ALL of the tree, so that the leaves disappear. NOTE: you CAN be "messy" on your OWN property if you choose to do so, but do you really want to make your OWN area(s) look like crap?
6b. Please don't be messy in the Netherworld either (obviously there is a little more slack in the Netherworld, but don't turn it into a COMPLETE dump please
7. Don't build near the World Spawn Point. Please build at least 50 - 100 blocks or more from the World Spawn point if possible. Lets keep that area clean for new players that join the Realm. If you need help defending yourself from the mobs at first, while you get established, just ask
8a. Please don't ask for hand outs. Asking for help is ok, but don't expect everything to just be handed to you. I truly believe this game is FAR more enjoyable when you have to EARN things yourself.
8b. I don't mind people helping one another out (helping people is GOOD, and the whole point of this realm is to be a group of friends), but PLEASE keep it within reason. For example, please don't hand out iron or diamond items, or fancy building materials etc. to people that have just joined the realm / server. I would MUCH rather see you help them out by protecting them from mobs, so that they can get on their feet when they first join.
8c. If you die and lose your items, don't expect me to magically restore them, or teleport you to where you died, or ANYTHING along those lines. If you die and lose your items, they are GONE for good. This is all part of the game, and This Same Rule Applies to MYSELF as well
8d. There will be absolutely NO cheesy short cuts, commands (cheats), teleporting, use of mods, or ANY of that stupid crap. In other words, I will NEVER be doing or using ANY of that cheesy crap, Not Even For Myself. So again, if you die and lose your stuff, unless you can retrieve it the LEGIT way, then your stuff will be gone for good. I'm not saying you can't ask for LEGIT help getting your stuff back, but by the time you receive LEGIT help, your items will probably have despawned
8e. The same rule mentioned above (in 8d) also applies to things like Creeper explosion damage. So if your building etc. gets blown to H*LL by a Creeper, I will NOT be rolling the damage back or pulling building blocks out of thin air to fix it. The SAME Rule applies to MYSELF as well
9. HAVE FUN. The whole point of this realm for people to have fun playing Minecraft together (or even solo, if they choose.) And if you absolutely LOVE Pure, 100% Vanilla Minecraft like I do, then you are going to have a LOT of fun here
Anyways, I guess that is about it.
Again, I am looking for Mature, Friendly, and Polite players over the age of 18.
All applications will be handled via DISCORD from there we can verify your age and true intentions for joining the server. Thank you everyone!
Anyone who wants to join needs to join discord and message " Levi " or " Killshot "