The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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hi there, IGN Acreblade, am 48 and just looking for a nice realm where can build stuff to enjoyed by all players on the realm, do a hell of a lot of mining so will always have mats if people need anything and am always happy to help, I look forward to hearing from you
Hello a couple friends and me started a brand new world. We have a simple SMP nothing too crazy.
We want to add more people to our server to have fun.
To apply for a recruitment reply to this thread. Just tell us a little about yourself.
I will not being replying to replying on this thread, if you are chosen you will be sent a realms invite.
- Must be very social, and friendly
- Good builder
Gt: wooboys69
Im 13 and looking forward to playing with different people. I play almost 24/7 and I’m a GREAT designer lol.
hi there, IGN Acreblade, am 48 and just looking for a nice realm where can build stuff to enjoyed by all players on the realm, do a hell of a lot of mining so will always have mats if people need anything and am always happy to help, I look forward to hearing from you
Hey, its "Yoda2232" me and my friend "D8ug" are just searching for a simple realm and nice people.
ign: sit2ezbro
i'm 21 and like to play some minecraft to relax,