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Hail Shrek.
Username: TheWinterMann
An update for those seeking to join, we've actually migrated to a server under the same concept. Post in our discord and the admins will get you added.
IGN: Myst1q
I've always been interested in joining a minecraft community! Hope you add me!
IGN: ElijahRiverdogs
I have been playing for a long time and am so happy that I have found a good realm hope I can join😁
Age 22
Quote from jimmyg013» JamesGear111
Quote from myst1qq» IGN: Myst1q I've always been interested in joining a minecraft community! Hope you add me!
Quote from eliriverdog8» IGN: ElijahRiverdogs I have been playing for a long time and am so happy that I have found a good realm hope I can join😁
Quote from Helixlsash» Theworid Age 22
Quote from thewintermann» Username: TheWinterMann Thanks!
We've moved to a server, if you wish to join us please join our discord.
IGN: Eumenide
"It’s a great thing, prayer. Nobody answers, but at least it stops you from thinking." BG Harry Paget Flashman
Ive whitelisted you all server IP is
IGN: Caidyn448
Age: 15
Discord: Caidyn448#9920
So guys if any of you are interested in joining please join our discord
IGN: Outphase
ign: HealingDryad Age: 43 I love mapping, and I tend to build underground more than up on the surface
Can you add me please Julio353476
Hail Shrek.
Username: TheWinterMann
An update for those seeking to join, we've actually migrated to a server under the same concept. Post in our discord and the admins will get you added.
IGN: Myst1q
I've always been interested in joining a minecraft community! Hope you add me!
IGN: ElijahRiverdogs
I have been playing for a long time and am so happy that I have found a good realm hope I can join😁
Age 22
We've moved to a server, if you wish to join us please join our discord.
IGN: Eumenide
"It’s a great thing, prayer. Nobody answers, but at least it stops you from thinking." BG Harry Paget Flashman
Ive whitelisted you all server IP is
IGN: Caidyn448
Age: 15
Discord: Caidyn448#9920
So guys if any of you are interested in joining please join our discord
IGN: Outphase
ign: HealingDryad
Age: 43
I love mapping, and I tend to build underground more than up on the surface
Can you add me please Julio353476