IGN: zeeguy88
how active you will be: a few hours daily. from 5pm to 12pm Monday through Thursday, 5pm to when ever Friday and noon to whenever Saturday and sunday (could change if I go on deployment {I'm in the military})
where you live/timezone: east coast, VA
I pretty much keep to myself but would love to find my own spot in game to call my own if you guys have room? Im not big on Voicechat but very chatty ingame
hey everyone,
my friend and i just started a fresh map on our realm (30/05/18) and are looking for players to join!!
reply with the application below filled out and we'll add you
how active you will be:
where you live/timezone:
cheers, hope to see you on there
IGN: ErrorTrying2Care
how active you will be: I'll try to be active but my have breaks as my laptop is basically stationary
where you live/timezone: Around Oklahoma City
About 2 hours everyday
IGN: RiceBreadPotato
age: 17
how active you will be: inconsistent, sometimes on, sometimes off
where you live/timezone: Melbourne, Australia
IGN: I am Psyalac
Activity: I plan to join a realm to build incredible structures. I'll be on a lot to work on them.
Location: central north American. Saskatchewan Canada
IGN: ricardoannibal
age: 35
how active you will be: all week days
where you live/timezone: gmt-3
I have added everyone on behalf of Henry
only adding players 16+ at this time sorry!
How active will you be:I'll be active all the time I have free and that is alot
Where I live: I live in South Africa
IGN : NameIsNoTaken
Age : 11
Activeness : 6 Or 5 Hours Everyday, If I Didn't Join For A Whole Day, Probably Went On A Road Trip Or Something.
TimeZone : Canada, AB,GMT
IGN: Junksteel
Age: 30
Location: Brazil
Activeness: Couple hours everyday.
IGN: Bonzaai
Age: 15
Activeness: fairly active a couple hours a day
Time Zone: US Eastern Standard Time
IGN: zeeguy88
how active you will be: a few hours daily. from 5pm to 12pm Monday through Thursday, 5pm to when ever Friday and noon to whenever Saturday and sunday (could change if I go on deployment {I'm in the military})
where you live/timezone: east coast, VA
IGN: Sapphireflamesz
age: 26
how active you will be: on every day except for Tuesday and Thursday
where you live/timezone: US Eastern Standard Time
IGN: TeamAmericax
how active you will be: Everyday
where you live/timezone: Eastern Time (Florida)
Added most players!
IGN: Owlimations
age: 20
how active you will be: somewhat
where you live/timezone: USA, Mountain time
hey there! i would love to join
IGN: SyahmiAzman
age: 15 years old
how active you will be: at least 30 min per day
where you live/timezone: Malaysia
4 times a week
4 times a week
IGN: Mr_Alfonzo
Age: 21
Active: Almost everyday, varies on work schedule
Timezone: Central Time Zone
Age 36
I pretty much keep to myself but would love to find my own spot in game to call my own if you guys have room?
Im not big on Voicechat but very chatty ingame