We are a slowly growing realm and would like to expand with a few more active players.
I want to create a small, friendly and non-griefing community.
there are a few rules/requirements you would need to fullfill to join the realm though....
1. Discord and working mic required (this is mainly so me and my fellow minecraft realm member can get to know you, you dont have to be always active on discord although it would be nice ^^ )
I tried to message you on discord but it won't let me. It says I don't share a server with you or only accepting messages from friends. Plus I sent you a message on here saying the same thing
We are a slowly growing realm and would like to expand with a few more active players.
I want to create a small, friendly and non-griefing community.
there are a few rules/requirements you would need to fullfill to join the realm though....
1. Discord and working mic required (this is mainly so me and my fellow minecraft realm member can get to know you, you dont have to be always active on discord although it would be nice ^^ )
2. 14+ (just be mature )
3. be friendly
4 NO griefing/stealing from others
If you are intrested in joining add me on discord
See you soon!
My IGN is ErrorTryin2Care
My Discord is Ξ ΕΓΓΟΓ Ξ#5416
(Sorry for special characters in name just copy and paste)
I tried to message you on discord but it won't let me. It says I don't share a server with you or only accepting messages from friends. Plus I sent you a message on here saying the same thing
My Minecraft name is: TheWonderWaffeProject
I have discord and a working Mic
I am 16 years old
I am friendly to all those that i meet online, as long as they aren't trolls
I never grief as i see it to be a pointless act that just makes things more difficult for people who want to do well in a world
Sent you a add on discord; name Keyaestor#9706
IGN: NotMythMatt
Discord: UnprofessionalBoio#8481
Hope you're till active on this so i can join!
IGN: theawsomestking
I want to be in the realm please. I would love it.
I'm not 14 only 11 but I have a working mic.
My IGN: ThunderBoyGaming
Discord: ThunderBoyGaming#9973
I hope you are still active because I really love to join a friendly realm. Thanks
IGN: ricardoannibal
I'm 35yo
yeah I have disc and working mic lol