Hello, this is the owner of the realm speaking. I am QuirkySmirkyIan and I would like you guys to join my Minecraft realm. There are all few rules and expectations I would like you guys to read.
No griefing
Keep swearing to a minimum or none
No PVP without both players consent
No hacking
No advertising without permission
Be respectful
Use common sense
Pranks are allowed but if it is messy or the other person asks you to clean it up do so.
My hopes for the server is for everyone to build in a town
I would recommend helping others with builds and work on community projects in the town
If you don't want to put your username and others if you have friends you can always contact me on discord. My discord username is Pablo#5269 I will try to respond quickly on both ways. Just put your username in the comments or add me on discord.
Hello, this is the owner of the realm speaking. I am QuirkySmirkyIan and I would like you guys to join my Minecraft realm. There are all few rules and expectations I would like you guys to read.
If you don't want to put your username and others if you have friends you can always contact me on discord. My discord username is Pablo#5269 I will try to respond quickly on both ways. Just put your username in the comments or add me on discord.
IGN : Kiritzu
IGN: TheRealNas
IGN Royal_ck10
ign tuxedoarmor
IGN: VeryGoodName
Ifn: kyzuto
Ign: TeleBomb
is this realm still going? if it is i would like to join. IGN Benjahusky
Username: TheWinterMann
IGN: Dandekar
Scoop diddy boop Im here too join! I thought just leaving my ign was unoriginal so, Scuup!
Ign> Susan__
i still havent been invited
IGN: Snifferdog3
I am looking for a serious realm and i would like to join. Name: CrazyCoolGuy566
If there is still room I would love an invite to your realm. Username: quigly.
I’d love to join your realm if there is still room! It sounds amazing
My gamer tag is SamBam32.