I'm considering hosting a WINDOWS 10 realm at the moment, which would be open to any and all Australians (New Zealanders welcome to apply). If there is interest, let me know down below, and the more people there are, the more likely it will become.
Comment yr:
Location (city/town of Australia)
Skill set (redstone, building, etc)
Style - big bases, large city, massive farms, etc)
And lastly, very important (no acceptances without it... just kidding) - AFL team:
What I'm thinking is that we all have bases somewhat near each other, and build up our own little bases as we like. There may be a community area in which we can do shared builds or games or the like, hopefully the spawn area is good.
I'm coming up with some server rules at the moment. Server rules will be posted at the spawn point. I don't really mind if people use discord or no. I have it (just started, so might need help linking in to other people), so that is an option.
I should probably do my own, for if and when the realm gets running.
GT: TomRiddleLordV (yes, the same as my MCForums name... original!)
Age: 21
Experience: 3 or so years, played Pocket and now Win10
Location: Melbourne
Skills: I'd say redstone, and some building
Style: sprawling, automatic farms. I tend to try and automatic as much as I can, especially with farms. I got to the point in one world where I could probably feed 5-6 players on meat alone, despite there only being two players...
The Realm is now active - hopefully you all can join me as we start! Everyone here will have received an invite - let me know by message when u receive it!
No griefing, spamming, etc.
No swearing.
Respect all players
No builds on Spawn Island (I will likely put something there to mark it as such, and a nether portal allowed as well)
No permanent 1x1 towers please.
Hopefully this community can get going tonight and tomorrow!
Hi Guys and Gals
I'm considering hosting a WINDOWS 10 realm at the moment, which would be open to any and all Australians (New Zealanders welcome to apply). If there is interest, let me know down below, and the more people there are, the more likely it will become.
Comment yr:
Location (city/town of Australia)
Skill set (redstone, building, etc)
Style - big bases, large city, massive farms, etc)
And lastly, very important (no acceptances without it... just kidding) - AFL team:
What I'm thinking is that we all have bases somewhat near each other, and build up our own little bases as we like. There may be a community area in which we can do shared builds or games or the like, hopefully the spawn area is good.
I'm coming up with some server rules at the moment. Server rules will be posted at the spawn point. I don't really mind if people use discord or no. I have it (just started, so might need help linking in to other people), so that is an option.
Hey just looking Around On MC Forum and found this.
So I'm Interested In Joining the realm your going to make.
Well I'm Australian.
Well Here's My Things That u Need.
Experience:(What Like How Long I've Been Playing?) Since Alpha
Location: Perth
Skill set:Bit Of Exploring And Building (not so much of the Building part but still desist)
Style:Making Caves into Big Bases
Well thanks for reading!
GT: daftfuture75859
Age: 19
Experience: Since Beta
Location (city/town of Australia): Melbourne
Skill set (redstone, building, etc): Building
Style - big bases, large city, massive farms, etc): Medieval Towns/Villages
AFL team: Port Adelaide
I should probably do my own, for if and when the realm gets running.
GT: TomRiddleLordV (yes, the same as my MCForums name... original!)
Age: 21
Experience: 3 or so years, played Pocket and now Win10
Location: Melbourne
Skills: I'd say redstone, and some building
Style: sprawling, automatic farms. I tend to try and automatic as much as I can, especially with farms. I got to the point in one world where I could probably feed 5-6 players on meat alone, despite there only being two players...
AFL team: Collingwood
My brother will also likely play:
Age: 15
Experience: same
Location: same
Skills: Building
Style: Mountaintop mansion
AFL team: does not support (used to be Geelong)
So Update Time:
The Realm is now active - hopefully you all can join me as we start! Everyone here will have received an invite - let me know by message when u receive it!
No griefing, spamming, etc.
No swearing.
Respect all players
No builds on Spawn Island (I will likely put something there to mark it as such, and a nether portal allowed as well)
No permanent 1x1 towers please.
Hopefully this community can get going tonight and tomorrow!
GT: _Enleth_
Age: 29
Experience: 3 years on and off
Location (city/town of Australia): Brisbane
Skill set (redstone, building, etc): Mining, Building, Fishing, Farming...
Style - big bases, large city, massive farms, etc): large towns
AFL team: Convince me
Hi sorry, looks like PE. I'm on Java. Have fun peoples!
Still on the hunt for players, please come post here and let me know!
GT: TheMaster2325
Age: 21
Experience: been playing on and off since beta
Location: Hobart
Skill set: Building, Farming.
Style - Cave houses, big builds and big farms
AFL team: Port Adelaide
Experience: As far as I remember.. when minecraft was on version 1.4.1
Location: Central Coast, Gosford or just Sydney
Style: Making projects in survival, and sharing them with other players.
AFL team: I left TV a long time ago
If the server is still up
Experience: Played since I got my first ipod - 4 years
Location: New Zealand- Tauranga
Skill set: Pretty good at building decent at redstone
Style: landscape, underground bunkers, large builds or even small compact redstone builds.
AFL: (I don't know any soz)
Hi I'm keen to join if this is still active!
GT: DaN LOcK90
Age: 29
Experience: Fairly new, just got into Minecraft on Switch so Bedrock edition. I think it's the same as Windows 10
Location: Launceston TAS
Skill set: Exploration and Building, just getting into Redstone
Style: Farms, Townships
AFL team: Carlton
I'm also keen if this is still active.
Age: 33
Experience: Java since Sept 2010 Bedrock/PE since its release on the XB360
Location: Tasmania
Skills: Completing builds
I would say i have good redstone skills also.
Style: I build in whatever style captivates me in that moment. I really enjoy building in survival worlds.
AFL team: St kilda
I am very interested in joining your realm, sounds really cool. First off I am Australian, a Sydney-Sider to be precise.
GT: Lady Lukara
Age: 19
Experience: 7 years across various platforms such as pocket edition and java and recently bedrock
Location: Sydney Metropolitan
Skill set: Building, exploration via nether hubs and locating rare biomes, moderate combat
Style: Large bases and small towns
AFL Team: NSW isn’t really into AFL but I like GWS. I’m more an NRL person, I support the Dragons
GT shadow43229
experience:5-6 years across pretty much all platforms
location: adelaide sout h australia
skill set: pvp and mining
style: simple but effective
AFL: dont follow that much but my family is a big fan of collingwood