The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
All added. If you get the realm invite but receive an error message saying that you're not whitelisted, just wait a bit. Time seems to resolve this issue for everyone so far. There must be some lag on the Realms server.
Server is full right now. No more additions presently. Sorry.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
This Realm has openings for new participants. Mint Acres is a Vanilla Survival community on normal difficulty, it has been open for a few weeks now, but the land around spawn is still relatively fresh and unexplored. I am looking for active players. If you would like to join, please include your IGN. The rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, don't be gratuitous with your language in the chat.
I will be back in a couple of hours to start adding names.
All added. If you get the realm invite but receive an error message saying that you're not whitelisted, just wait a bit. Time seems to resolve this issue for everyone so far. There must be some lag on the Realms server.
Server is full right now. No more additions presently. Sorry.
no more room?
Ign: ArchitectPlayz
Hello! I would love to join your realm! My IGN is Zman2400.
ign: BigRVman1
IGN: AssFartManGoose
IGN: Nakpo
My IGN: xCpRx
please invite me c:
Not sure if you're still looking for people, but me and a friend (we are like a package deal) looking to grow with a server/realm
My IGN - Klaribae his IGN - Xyicore
My Discord Kittens#1130
ING wyodragon
This Realm has openings for new participants. Mint Acres is a Vanilla Survival community on normal difficulty, it has been open for a few weeks now, but the land around spawn is still relatively fresh and unexplored. I am looking for active players. If you would like to join, please include your IGN. The rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, don't be gratuitous with your language in the chat.
I will be back in a couple of hours to start adding names.
IGN: theawsome990
Be great if I could join.
hey, my ign is h3rachi_
IGN KancerousPing
40-ish father of 2 brats that only play Wow.. IGN fjutte
u have a discord?? I like to talk to other players
Sorry, no discord. All have been added.
Bump! Still more room available.
Seems pretty cool.