The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
We're looking for more people to join our realms server. We'd prefer older players, 15+ but you can join if you are mature. We need more active members. If you wish to join, please leave the following:
We're looking for more people to join our realms server. We'd prefer older players, 15+ but you can join if you are mature. We need more active members. If you wish to join, please leave the following:
experience playing mc
age: 16
Location: US
Experience: almost 7 years of playing
IGN: mkads80
Years playing on almost all platforms
my ign is Pixiistic
IGN Wester154 and Lil_Bean606
Age I'm 41, my son Lil_Bean is 13
I realize 13 is young, but i assure you, Bean is an honest, helpfull and mature player.
5 years of playing
We're looking for a good realm community to join
We're both good builders and an asset to a realm
Age: 17
Location: USA
Experience: 4 years
Love playing with others and solving puzzles.
Age: 24
Location: USA
Experience: Been playing since March 2012, good at building and redstone
IGN: TheRed_Baron
_doraa_ my IGN is LifeHints
Age: 17
Location: Midwest, United States
Experience: Been playing minecraft since the beta days
IGN: SkillAuraMate
Age: 15
Location: US
Experience: 6 years of MC
IGN: Focii_
Age: 18
Location: USA (PST)
Experience: 5 years
IGN: aefitzhugh ^^