Fresh new world "The Frozen Vale" just started now. If you wish to join leave your IGN, age, timezone, how often you can play and a little information about yourself down below. New and experienced player are both welcome as long as you obey the rules.
Rule are:
No griefing
No stealing
No cheating(e. g. using xray)
No PVP unless both parties agree beforehand
Don't build too close to other people without their permission
Please dont build your personal base in the spawn area(its communal)
Also, if you want to build a permanently operating redstone machine in the spawn area please get my permission first. but feel free to build redstone machines anywhere else(not in spawn area)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IcyBrad, 18, EST, I can play 3-5 days a week. I'm not new but I'm a bit rough around the edges. I like building tho I'm still an amateur I'm slowly working my way up. I like team adventures and a fair match now and then. Would love to join your realm
I think we may have played together somewhere before? Your user name seems really familiar. Anyways.. My IGN is Its_Val and I'm 31.. Live in Ohio so Eastern Time.. I can play daily.. I enjoy mining.. exploring.. building.. Pretty much all of it.. Community projects are fun as well!
I've been spending a fair amount of time on a single player survival and am staring to get a bit bored of playing alone. I enjoy building all sorts of things including redstone and farms and feel like I have only scratched the surface. I'm looking for a mature group of ppl to play with. I would love it if you would consider me.
How often I can play: 2 hours each day, 8+ on weekends
I currently am employed at a fastfood chain called sonic and that takes alot of my time. But working there has helped me to gain leadership and team skills along with the ability to communicate well. I have played Minecraft since 2012 so I have alot of experience.
Fresh new world "The Frozen Vale" just started now. If you wish to join leave your IGN, age, timezone, how often you can play and a little information about yourself down below. New and experienced player are both welcome as long as you obey the rules.
Rule are:
No griefing
No stealing
No cheating(e. g. using xray)
No PVP unless both parties agree beforehand
Don't build too close to other people without their permission
Please dont build your personal base in the spawn area(its communal)
Also, if you want to build a permanently operating redstone machine in the spawn area please get my permission first. but feel free to build redstone machines anywhere else(not in spawn area)
Discord channel is (new link will never expire)
If you want to join the realm quick just hop on discord and leave me a message
One person sleep is added
IcyBrad, 18, EST, I can play 3-5 days a week. I'm not new but I'm a bit rough around the edges. I like building tho I'm still an amateur I'm slowly working my way up. I like team adventures and a fair match now and then. Would love to join your realm
added you IcyBrad
Just wondering. Would you be willing to accept someone who is 17? I turn 18 in June.
sure. i'll accept you
May I join. I'm 19 turning 20 in 10 days. My gt is Flamedaggers. I'm in estern time zone
I think we may have played together somewhere before? Your user name seems really familiar. Anyways.. My IGN is Its_Val and I'm 31.. Live in Ohio so Eastern Time.. I can play daily.. I enjoy mining.. exploring.. building.. Pretty much all of it.. Community projects are fun as well!
your name seems familiar as well
added u
IGN: Dominicus
Age: 33
Timezone: Pacific
I usually play around 3-5 times a week.
I've been spending a fair amount of time on a single player survival and am staring to get a bit bored of playing alone. I enjoy building all sorts of things including redstone and farms and feel like I have only scratched the surface. I'm looking for a mature group of ppl to play with. I would love it if you would consider me.
added you Dominicus
Awesome! Could you please message me the server IP/Name at your convenience?
umm just click on the minecraft realms button at the main menu and click on accept invite
Yo fumm!
Add me Dovahkiin411. (You may or may not remember me)
Age 21
I need some chill people to play with.
added you Dovahkiin411.
and yes i do remember you
Enigma48, 18, AET, dont play much atm cause i dont have people to play with, but would more on a realm
added you Enigma48.
see you in the realm
new discord address:
IGN: Jeetho
Age: 19
Timezone: Pacific
How often I can play: 2 hours each day, 8+ on weekends
I currently am employed at a fastfood chain called sonic and that takes alot of my time. But working there has helped me to gain leadership and team skills along with the ability to communicate well. I have played Minecraft since 2012 so I have alot of experience.
added u Jeetho see you in game