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- IGN: LochlanFletcher
- Age: 23
- Reason for Joining?: Looking for a realm to play on to pass the time.
- What can you contribute?: Depends on what the realm needs. I don't really have a specialty, I just do whatever needs doing.
- Discord Name?: --
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for?: For as long as it remains interesting.
IGN - erihartt
age - 16
reason for joining - like survival and like playing with other people
what i can contribute - decent builder, good worker, free time to contribute, happy to help others out, mining, farming, etc?
discord - Hartrin#5197
how long i plan to spend - as long as i can i guess
@itomit @Monody9 @erihartt
You've been invited
- IGN - Arcadular
- Age - 15
- Reason for Joining? - Looking for a server to join after the last one became inactive.
- What can you contribute? - A little bit of everything. Last server I built a guardian farm, but I'm not sure I ever want to do that again.
- Discord Name? - Arcadular#5029
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for? - As long as it is active
- Daubz
- 15 years old
-i get bored play alone and i want to have fun with people
- i good at redstone i think
-as long as posibble
@Arcadular @Daubz
Looking for a new community to play with and show of my inventions.
- IGN: LochlanFletcher
- Age: 23
- Reason for Joining?: Looking for a realm to play on to pass the time.
- What can you contribute?: Depends on what the realm needs. I don't really have a specialty, I just do whatever needs doing.
- Discord Name?: --
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for?: For as long as it remains interesting.
IGN - erihartt
age - 16
reason for joining - like survival and like playing with other people
what i can contribute - decent builder, good worker, free time to contribute, happy to help others out, mining, farming, etc?
discord - Hartrin#5197
how long i plan to spend - as long as i can i guess
@itomit @Monody9 @erihartt
You've been invited
- IGN - Arcadular
- Age - 15
- Reason for Joining? - Looking for a server to join after the last one became inactive.
- What can you contribute? - A little bit of everything. Last server I built a guardian farm, but I'm not sure I ever want to do that again.
- Discord Name? - Arcadular#5029
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for? - As long as it is active
- Daubz
- 15 years old
-i get bored play alone and i want to have fun with people
- i good at redstone i think
-as long as posibble
@Arcadular @Daubz
You've been invited
You've been invited
Looking for a new community to play with and show of my inventions.