This is a vanilla survival realm that is community based. You may build wherever, and we will connect everything with a Nether Hub. We will also have a shopping district where people can make shops and buy and sell items using diamonds as the currency. The rules are pretty simple...
- Don't Grief
- Don't Steal
- Be Nice
- Help out with community builds if you can
To join, just simply comment the following...
- Age
- Reason for Joining?
- What can you contribute?
- Discord Name?
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
- IGN IIXsumiaII
- Age 14
- Reason for Joining? I love survival.
- What can you contribute? Lots of hours and community help.
- Discord Name? Xsumia#1520
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for? however long it is up.
- Reason for Joining: I need some people to have fun with.
- What can you contribute: I have plenty of dragon slaying knowledge that may or may not be useful.
- Discord Name: Dovahdox#7302
- How long do you plan on playing this realm for: I plan to play for as long as people are active.A lot of realms die off because there is nothing to keep people interested. If the interest remains then it's certain that I'll be around.
This is a vanilla survival realm that is community based. You may build wherever, and we will connect everything with a Nether Hub. We will also have a shopping district where people can make shops and buy and sell items using diamonds as the currency. The rules are pretty simple...
- Don't Grief
- Don't Steal
- Be Nice
- Help out with community builds if you can
To join, just simply comment the following...
- Age
- Reason for Joining?
- What can you contribute?
- Discord Name?
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for?
- ohboja
-Looking for a new realm to help out on
- Really organized mob/villager builds that will help with end game gear
I am in search of a realm I can have some friendly fun but one that I can also try new builds in.
I am a good builder when it comes to visually pleasing buidings, I have plenty of time to contribute to both personal and community builds.
@DrunkLegacy @ohboja
What's your discord name?
And how long do you plan on playing on this realm?
- IGN IIXsumiaII
- Age 14
- Reason for Joining? I love survival.
- What can you contribute? Lots of hours and community help.
- Discord Name? Xsumia#1520
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for? however long it is up.
~ Xsumia
You have been invited
IGN - Brynnnnn
Age - 17
Reason for Joining? - Looking for a survival realms server to play on that'll have a community
What can you contribute? - I'm a good builder and redstoner
Discord Name? - Brynn#3851
How long do you plan on playing on this realm for? As long as the realm still has a community of players
- IGN : Kishimo
- Age : 17
- Reason for Joining? : For fun HAHA
- What can you contribute? : I can build
- Discord Name? : Kishimo#5324
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for? : As long as my friends are still playing
You have been invited
- IGN: Fapjoose
- Age: 28
- Reason for Joining: Haven't played for years, looking for a nice/fun community to get back into the game.
- What can you contribute? Farming mats/redstone farms
- Discord Name?: Fapjoose
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for?: The foreseeable future.
You have been invited
IGN: Karpath_Antioch
Age: 15
Reason: Looking for an actual Vanilla Realm not one with mods etc.
Contribute: Help, Builds, Most things (Im good at redstone)
Discord Name: Kazuya#8467
How long will I play?: Until the end!
You have been invited
IGN: Arvinda_Bharat
Age: 18
Reason: Just looking for some cool people to play minecraft with, I love vanilla minecraft.
Contribute: I'm good at building and making farms, I love helping others out aswell.
Discord: Ameer/Chacki#7338
How long: As long as the realm is up!
You have been invited
IGN: Dovahkin411
- Age: 21
- Reason for Joining: I need some people to have fun with.
- What can you contribute: I have plenty of dragon slaying knowledge that may or may not be useful.
- Discord Name: Dovahdox#7302
- How long do you plan on playing this realm for: I plan to play for as long as people are active. A lot of realms die off because there is nothing to keep people interested. If the interest remains then it's certain that I'll be around.
IGN: Enigma48
-Age: 18
-Reason for Joining: I want a place to play with other players
-What can you contribute: I usually just make a main base then i can help out with some farms etc, can help others out if they need
-Discord Name: Enigma#8140
-How long do you plan on playing this realm for: As long as it's active and i can find time
Enigma48 is a cool dude. I can vouch for him.
- IGN: Monody9
- Age: 17
- Reason for joining: I'm currently interested in finding a vanilla community that I can join in my spare time
- What can you contribute?: Anything that is needed really
- Discord Name?: Monody#6060
- How long do you plan on playing on this realm for?: Until I finish building my own server (It'll be a while)
Additional Info: If you ever are in need of any type of Command Block or Redstone help, i'd be happy to lend a hand
- C0coke
- 20
- Want to play in a survival server with other people
- I'm good at building
- Cocoke#9170
- As long as it's active!