Thanks for making this realm so easy to apply to! Me and my friend are really excited to try out a new realm! Is your realm's rules no griefing, killing, stealing? We'd like to be on a realm with these rules.
Our IGNs are Cyberization and EpicFace0718
We're over 13 like you asked, our skins are of ourselves, and we really like to build and have fun with eachother and other players by adventuring, building, buying, selling, that kind of things.
Hello I am IMADAN and this is my realm:
To request invitation tell me your
A brief description of your MC skin
Your biggest accomplishment on MC
i would like to join my IGN is FlyingPencil and im 17 years old
Skin: Cookie monster with his nipples showing and in his underwear xD
Biggest Accomplisment: Richest in treasurewars but that server is dead
I like building
I like doing redstone too
Hi imadan!
Thanks for making this realm so easy to apply to! Me and my friend are really excited to try out a new realm! Is your realm's rules no griefing, killing, stealing? We'd like to be on a realm with these rules.
Our IGNs are Cyberization and EpicFace0718
We're over 13 like you asked, our skins are of ourselves, and we really like to build and have fun with eachother and other players by adventuring, building, buying, selling, that kind of things.
Thanks again for hosting man!
I'm Pyro725
My skin is the marshal lee(if you dont know, hes a vampire that wears a red flanel.
i play alone most of the time and im really tired of it i build alot of things and would like to have people to play in a server/realm with
User is zkpetty
Age 15
Skin is blue kind of like a blue berry
My biggest accomplishment is killing the end or building my huge base and wither and finding over two stacks of diamonds in one mine
Skin Desc:Ncr Ranger (from fallout new vegas) with my face skins face on it aqua and black hair
my best accomplishment would be making redstone machines to farm easier or make life easier
If there's no grief,no stealing, no pvp rules count us in!
IGN: 4oMaK_
IGN2: TheAudioUnion (my cousin we play mostly together and if get accepted im pretty sure he will apply too XD)
Age: 18, 15
Skin desc: 4oMaK_ - Kinda like a oc skin
TheAudioUnion - Waffleman wearing a 3 piece
Biggest accomplishments? Meh, dont have any but i like building and making redstone
Username: Dianite_Jnr
Age: 14
A brief description of your MC skin: Assasin with red, black and brown cloak
Your biggest accomplishment on MC: I am one of the unnamed Veterans of the server know as 2B2T
IGN: BlackFox1921
Skin: like a Green creeper jacket
normally I just mine and build some simple redstone stuff