A couple of friends and I are looking for some committed, dedicated and most importantly friendly fellow minecrafters to join us on a NEW VANILLA [ HermitCraft Inspired ] REALMS WORLD that I am creating today. Any age, either male or female, are welcome to join me and a couple of others on this new exciting realms world as long as you agree to play nicely, get along with others and at least be an active member on the server [ HAVE TO BE ACTIVE ON REALMS ATLEAST ONCE A WEEK ]. Thank you for your time dudes. Hope to see you soon, on my Realms.
Comment down below if you are interested, on to why I should invite you to my realms world and chuck your Minecraft Username there as well so I can whitelist you.
Im interested in a pure vanilla survival minecraft realm, I'm a friendly guy and would be pretty dedicated to the server and would be on mostly everyday. IGN:Wolfboy2341
My Minecraft Username is SmaxyMC, I really want to join im 16 years old and have been watching hermitcraft since their second season. I hope you can consider me, I love building and am really good at communicating and being friendly with others. I hope you can consider me Thanks! I can play more than once a week! ready to commit!
Hi, I'm interested in joining, I'm 15 and am just looking for a small community to play and enjoy the game with. I'm kind and like to socialize with other players. Ive been playing the game now for 4 years and hope to play many more. Id really like to play in your Realm and hope you consider me as someone you'd like to have as a regular player. I'm on usually 3 hours a day just about and Im a very loyal server player. Thanks for considering me an applicant (IGN: Flawlass)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Hey, now that summer's coming up I have a lot more time on my hands, so playing on a good server like yours would be awesome! My IGN is "PeacefulMuslim", I hope to see you on there!
I need a new realm server to play on because all the ones ive played on in the past have died off rather fast. im a very nice guy, with lots of knowledge of minecraft and its little kinks and what not. IGN: Groalit
So just letting everyone know, I currently have about 19 people whitelisted to the realms now, which is a lot considering only 10 can join at the one time. So I reckon that will do for now. But just rememeber, if you aren't active atleast once a week, I will not hesitate to kick you [ Unless you have good reasoning like, study.. or holiday ]. So thanks everyone, and hope to see those who are whitelisted on the server!
Hey i'd be more then happy if you could just add on one more person (me) as i love Hermitcraft and watch it in my free time. You should add me because i am a friendly and active player. My IGN is TheCoolDude23. Hopefully i will be accepted. Thank you
Hi my minecraft username is Botkill3r. you should invite me because i love to play minecraft and i am a people person. I can play almost everyday of the week for at least a few hours
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A couple of friends and I are looking for some committed, dedicated and most importantly friendly fellow minecrafters to join us on a NEW VANILLA [ HermitCraft Inspired ] REALMS WORLD that I am creating today. Any age, either male or female, are welcome to join me and a couple of others on this new exciting realms world as long as you agree to play nicely, get along with others and at least be an active member on the server [ HAVE TO BE ACTIVE ON REALMS ATLEAST ONCE A WEEK ]. Thank you for your time dudes. Hope to see you soon, on my Realms.
Comment down below if you are interested, on to why I should invite you to my realms world and chuck your Minecraft Username there as well so I can whitelist you.
Im interested in a pure vanilla survival minecraft realm, I'm a friendly guy and would be pretty dedicated to the server and would be on mostly everyday. IGN:Wolfboy2341
Hello! I would very much like to get into realm. IGN: W0LF5HARK
Sounds good to me dudes, I am whitelisting you guys right away.
As long as you are at least active once a week dude, there shouldn't be a problem. I will whitelist you.
Easy peezy. IGN: RorschachKovacs
Excellent, whitelisted.
My Minecraft Username is SmaxyMC, I really want to join im 16 years old and have been watching hermitcraft since their second season. I hope you can consider me, I love building and am really good at communicating and being friendly with others. I hope you can consider me Thanks! I can play more than once a week! ready to commit!
Ign: abadmineman
I'd like to join your realm.
Hi, I'm interested in joining, I'm 15 and am just looking for a small community to play and enjoy the game with. I'm kind and like to socialize with other players. Ive been playing the game now for 4 years and hope to play many more. Id really like to play in your Realm and hope you consider me as someone you'd like to have as a regular player. I'm on usually 3 hours a day just about and Im a very loyal server player. Thanks for considering me an applicant
(IGN: Flawlass)
Hey, now that summer's coming up I have a lot more time on my hands, so playing on a good server like yours would be awesome! My IGN is "PeacefulMuslim", I hope to see you on there!
Ign Aluxion
age 21
Ex-mod from a now closed server (Virtuous Kingdom)
looking for a good time
You guys have all been whitelisted. Hope to see you all on the Realms!
I need a new realm server to play on because all the ones ive played on in the past have died off rather fast.
im a very nice guy, with lots of knowledge of minecraft and its little kinks and what not. IGN: Groalit
So just letting everyone know, I currently have about 19 people whitelisted to the realms now, which is a lot considering only 10 can join at the one time. So I reckon that will do for now. But just rememeber, if you aren't active atleast once a week, I will not hesitate to kick you [ Unless you have good reasoning like, study.. or holiday ]. So thanks everyone, and hope to see those who are whitelisted on the server!
Hey i'd be more then happy if you could just add on one more person (me) as i love Hermitcraft and watch it in my free time. You should add me because i am a friendly and active player. My IGN is TheCoolDude23. Hopefully i will be accepted. Thank you
hi, my username is isaac_gamer99, im interested, because i like surviving and i cant find a better survirval server...
My IGN is TurtlePants and I'm interested because I love to help out people and build
Hi my minecraft username is Botkill3r. you should invite me because i love to play minecraft and i am a people person. I can play almost everyday of the week for at least a few hours
bored with no friends, miss survival . IGN = Xxxtracredit