I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
Hey dude. add me plz? Kings_Eyes is the IGN. im aged 24, and building out a similar thing to yours, id be very interested to see how you are making yours
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Come join me Roleplay/factions Realm that i've worked on for several years? great! add me on discord KingsEyes #3485
IGN: TurtlePants
Ign: PaulSwannMLG
Red the rules (spelling the silly way)
Stay cool
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
My IGN: korekshin
Always happy to join
IGN: EndermanZio
IGN: Zackrison
realm sounds awesome
IGN: Worldzy
I hope this is still active
I don't grief or do anything bad i promise
IGN: buglover333
IGN: LogEman
IGN: Firestone101397
Hope to join
hope to join
Hey dude. add me plz? Kings_Eyes is the IGN. im aged 24, and building out a similar thing to yours, id be very interested to see how you are making yours
Come join me Roleplay/factions Realm that i've worked on for several years? great! add me on discord KingsEyes #3485