gettig bored of doing the same things over again on single player. i've never played realms before, and you guys sound like you want to do exactly what i want to do
Hey buddy, from the sounds of it, I'd love to be apart of your Realm!
My IGN is: Sasmash
My Timezone is: Central (US)
and my reasoning behind wanting to join the Realm would be: I've been playing on Minecraft Faction servers recently, and am wanting to switch the pace back to the roots of minecraft, and enjoy a vanilla survival minecraft Realm!
Looking forward to joining, if I meet the criteria!
-Your reason as to why you want to join the realm: I'm just looking for a low-key, fun realm to join where the people are friendly and things aren't taken too seriously.
Hello, it´s Littlecinna312 here!
A friend and I have been playing on a world for a while, and wanted to expand it a bit more, so we started a realm.
Thing is, we need a player base, so I created this thread to get the name out.
Information about the realm:
-We are accepting a maximum of 10 players
-The world is not entirely new
-The difficulty is set to hard
-Mob griefing is set to true
-Coloured names
-Spawn is a work in progress
-100% survival!
If you are interested in joining, helping, and being part of a nice, small community, please comment below with:
-Your ign
-Your timezone
-Your reason as to why you want to join the realm
General rules to follow:
-No griefing
-Be respectful
-No spamming
-Keep the world nice looking
-PvP is only allowed if everyone involved agrees to it, an arena will be made in time
-Have fun
Long-term players are greatly appreciated!
Thank you for reading this post and we hope to see you on the realm soon!
Slots left open: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ign: CustomError
Timezone: Central
Reason: I'd think it would be fun and i'd be able to make more online friends.
Timezone: Central
Reason: Like to be on a survival realm.
-I have time to offer , i wanna join because i love helping. I love the stuff people hate, getting wood , mining , flattening land!
ign- jaiaerous
timezone - EST
gettig bored of doing the same things over again on single player. i've never played realms before, and you guys sound like you want to do exactly what i want to do
IGN: freddy_faz123
timezone: UCT +09:00 tokyo
Reason: Like to be on a survival realm.
Hey buddy, from the sounds of it, I'd love to be apart of your Realm!
My IGN is: Sasmash
My Timezone is: Central (US)
and my reasoning behind wanting to join the Realm would be: I've been playing on Minecraft Faction servers recently, and am wanting to switch the pace back to the roots of minecraft, and enjoy a vanilla survival minecraft Realm!
Looking forward to joining, if I meet the criteria!
- Est
- Dont have any realms to play with.. Im lonely
CustomError, TortillaMaria, and SORJEZ were added, when more spots open up, the next person in line will be notified.
I'll join
IGN - Ra Material
Age 27
Been playing since release
IGN: fumm
Age: 28
Reason: Looking to have fun with people and be a part of the community
IGN: ImBiscuit
Timezone: AEDT
Reason: Just looking for a group to play some minecraft with, SSP gets boring after awhile.
Central US
Looking for a friendly group of mature players on a vanilla server
Jimnycriket, jaiaerous, and freddy_faz23 were added, next person in line will be notified when spots open up, thank you.
My name is _Palpatine, mkay
Sasmash, MrSterben, and RawMaterial were added. ThePoofanator, your name is not able to be entered, did you change it recently?
-Your ign: CactiLarry
-Your timezone: USA/Canada EST -5:00
-Your reason as to why you want to join the realm: I'm just looking for a low-key, fun realm to join where the people are friendly and things aren't taken too seriously.
How do I like your eggs?
Umm, in a cake.
IGN: TurtlezYT
Timezone: EST.
Reason for joining: I want to have fun in a survival world with other people.
T u r t l e z Y T
"If ya don't like me, tell it to the cake."
A turtle in a world of crafters.
IGN: legalcrusher118 or Legalcrusher118 if that one doesnt work
Reason I want to have fun in survival and i am good at building