IGN: xB_
AGE: 33
Times you play: Random
How many hours a week you play: 3-4 hours/day
What you will bring to our community: I am a fairly good builder and a Redstoner
I am a Youtuber. But I am looking for a server to play on, but not record on. Though, if you would like to see my channel its: http://youtube.com/xBSlayerMC . Im looking forward to hearing from you.
Times you play: Really depends on the day. Some days I may be on extremely early.. Others.. very late. Sometimes all day.
How many hours a week you play: It varies. If I have any appointments, or deadlines for my job then I could be on as little as 2 hours a day. When I'm 100% free I could be on for hours.
What you will bring to our community: Hopefully decent creations. I'm pretty good at making different mob grinders and such. Also I tend to be better at building underground.
I should probably add that I'm not always very talkative. Unless someone asks me a question directly I may end up being pretty quiet.
Times: Weekends mostly, some weekdays after 4:45pm (utc-5)
Times will vary, at least 5. I will try to get up to 7-8 though.
I have been playing Minecraft since March 16, 2012. I am very experienced in all aspects of the game, PvP, building, mining, etc.. I can show you some of my builds on a server if you'd like.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Xan Antonio
Join Date:
Xan Anonio
Lil Jakey
Member Details
IGN: JakeOfEight
Times you play: I don't get home till around 5:30 PM, But after that I usually play until 10-11.
How many hours a week you play: Quite a bit, at least around 2 hours a day/14 a week, Usually more.
What you will bring to our community: I'm a pretty good builder, I love small, community based servers. Plus I've been playing this game for almost 5 years, so I have a lot of experience in game.
What you will bring to our community: I do not speak English very well, so would contribute a touch caveman when talking on the chat. XD. And i like help in proyects of the comunity
Times you play: Varies on my motivation and schedule but almost everyday.
How many hours a week you play: 10 hours
What you will bring to our community: I'm really big on automatic farms and just working with redstone stuff. Also really interested in a communal shop area if that's something you guys are planning on doing. I like the idea of "trading" with the others on the server
The title says it all, I'm looking for players that are mature looking for a long term home to build on.
Rules are fairly simple:
No Griefing
No Stealing
Be respectful of others
Have fun and contribute to our community.
If you are mature and can abide by these rules, please comment with;
Times you play
How many hours a week you play
What you will bring to our community.
Hope to see you in game.
IGN ProfessorOtter
AGE 21
Times you play i can play from 3pm to 8am est the days i dont work
How many hours a week you play ~15
What you will bring to our community. friendly person who is willing to help others and make games for people to play and treasure hunts
IGN: xB_
AGE: 33
Times you play: Random
How many hours a week you play: 3-4 hours/day
What you will bring to our community: I am a fairly good builder and a Redstoner
I am a Youtuber. But I am looking for a server to play on, but not record on. Though, if you would like to see my channel its: http://youtube.com/xBSlayerMC . Im looking forward to hearing from you.
both added
18 and 19
enjoy building and adventuring and beating the end dragon
IGNs are: whereswall95
IGN: Hurlock
Age: 28
Times you play: Really depends on the day. Some days I may be on extremely early.. Others.. very late. Sometimes all day.
How many hours a week you play: It varies. If I have any appointments, or deadlines for my job then I could be on as little as 2 hours a day. When I'm 100% free I could be on for hours.
What you will bring to our community: Hopefully decent creations. I'm pretty good at making different mob grinders and such. Also I tend to be better at building underground.
I should probably add that I'm not always very talkative. Unless someone asks me a question directly I may end up being pretty quiet.
And They Descended Into Pure Madness ...
IGN: Simirae
AGE: 26
Times you play: varies day to day, sometimes early mornings, other times afternoons or evenings.
How many hours a week you play: minimum of atleast a few hours each day, when I'm not busy it can be as long as 2 hours to 6 hours at a time.
What you will bring to our community: friendly helpful player, pretty decent at building communities/hub bases.
Simirae and Hurlock added
Ign: xxAnakin
Age: 16
Times: Weekends mostly, some weekdays after 4:45pm (utc-5)
Times will vary, at least 5. I will try to get up to 7-8 though.
I have been playing Minecraft since March 16, 2012. I am very experienced in all aspects of the game, PvP, building, mining, etc.. I can show you some of my builds on a server if you'd like.
IGN: JakeOfEight
Times you play: I don't get home till around 5:30 PM, But after that I usually play until 10-11.
How many hours a week you play: Quite a bit, at least around 2 hours a day/14 a week, Usually more.
What you will bring to our community: I'm a pretty good builder, I love small, community based servers. Plus I've been playing this game for almost 5 years, so I have a lot of experience in game.
slaughta ya daughta.
Added up to this point. Looks like a solid group so far, still have room for a few more.
IGN : " alejandrr"
AGE "24"
Times you play "6 times a week"
How many hours a week you play "1-5"
What you will bring to our community. : modular architecture along with an easy going always trustable friend.
we still have openings
IGN : NanookSpirit
AGE : 28
Times you play: varies every day
How many hours a week you play: about 7 hours
What you will bring to our community: I do not speak English very well, so would contribute a touch caveman when talking on the chat. XD. And i like help in proyects of the comunity
added and still looking to add a few more.
added and still have room for more.
user name is tynsier, and I spent a couple hours each day playing
IGN: Rotembourg22
AGE: 19
Times you play: Varies on my motivation and schedule but almost everyday.
How many hours a week you play: 10 hours
What you will bring to our community: I'm really big on automatic farms and just working with redstone stuff. Also really interested in a communal shop area if that's something you guys are planning on doing. I like the idea of "trading" with the others on the server
IGN: FilthyLuca
Times you play
How many hours a week you play
What you will bring to our community.