My IGN/Minecraft name is SnopesRez, age is 13, And I am a funny guy, I make jokes like refrences but not like build dicks around a house or say "dicks out for harambe" I enjoy making town a lot, working gether for a rollercoaster or the endrdragon or skyscrapers, Like the good ol' days in beta, Oh yeah I played since beta. Thanks for taking your time to read this, I hope I get on the realm.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
I'm still around as well, I hurt my neck over christmas and been struggling to sit at the PC for any periods of time but am slowly getting back into it...
Thank you for responses,
New players have been added and still looking for more
My IGN/Minecraft name is SnopesRez, age is 13, And I am a funny guy, I make jokes like refrences but not like build dicks around a house or say "dicks out for harambe" I enjoy making town a lot, working gether for a rollercoaster or the endrdragon or skyscrapers, Like the good ol' days in beta, Oh yeah I played since beta. Thanks for taking your time to read this, I hope I get on the realm.
IGN: PythonJay
Age: 10+ mature online
I love to build and play survival, hope to see you there! Note that I will only be on 2 days a week sadly..
My IGN is XDarkWolfGamerX
Hi i would like to be added my name is mobslayer578
The newest player have been added,
Hope you enjoy your time on the server
IGN: ADHD_Acendancy
Age: 18
I just want to play Minecraft with people who want to do stuff and have fun
Heyy MrYoshi would it be possible to disable the maxEntityCramming? it broke a few of our mob grinders.
No worries Robie, the entity cramming has been disabled
Btw wont be active for 3 weeks or less so please dont kick i have to study
Age : 16
My gamer tag is Kenlyn1995. I am 21 in four days! ! I love mining
IGN: o0Desolate0o
Age: 15
i love building complicated structures using redstone and killing mobs
add me TitoTFP
IGN: RayHearts
Age: 15
About Myself: I enjoy mining and gathering resources, so I could help gather the materials to build.
IGN: RStantz
I just like being on servers with other people makes it more fun
I would love to join! I have had minecraft since it came out on xbox! ♡
IGN/Gamertag: NekoRaider x3
Looking for 2nd generation players to join the server and hang with the originals who are sticking around
1st gen player here! Come and play with us!
I'm still around as well, I hurt my neck over christmas and been struggling to sit at the PC for any periods of time but am slowly getting back into it...