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i'm looking for someone nice,fun and active to join me in realm world
i will add 1 or 2 ppl max
I would love to join! It would be nice to have a realm with only a couple people to get to know. If you want to add me, my IGN is Creepynerd
My name is SlimeAndMalooy I would like to join
I would like to join! my in game name is SonicSpy
Hey my name is Ray (IGN SoapyCarpet) I would love to join your realm. Ps I love you
IGN : EffBang
does it have to be only 1-2 ;^(
1 to 2 people is kinda stupid tbh
i'm looking for someone nice,fun and active to join me in realm world
i will add 1 or 2 ppl max
I would love to join! It would be nice to have a realm with only a couple people to get to know. If you want to add me, my IGN is Creepynerd
My name is SlimeAndMalooy I would like to join
I would like to join! my in game name is SonicSpy
Hey my name is Ray (IGN SoapyCarpet) I would love to join your realm. Ps I love you
IGN : EffBang
does it have to be only 1-2 ;^(
1 to 2 people is kinda stupid tbh