Looking for some mature adults to join our realm. Please leave your game tag id below If you would like to join. We only have a few rules which mainly are basics to not steal peoples things and go into inventory without asking. if you get blown up by creeper on someones base, fix as much as u can. Its a Survival realm in hard mode. If your up for the challenge leave your info below.
Looking for some mature adults to join our realm. Please leave your game tag id below If you would like to join. We only have a few rules which mainly are basics to not steal peoples things and go into inventory without asking. if you get blown up by creeper on someones base, fix as much as u can. Its a Survival realm in hard mode. If your up for the challenge leave your info below.
PSN ID: Puma9460
Do you have a mic?
added you
ill add u in a lil bit and im pretty sure my phone has one
IGN: fumm
age: 28
mercedes sky
all lower case
IGN: zombie_pileup
Always up for a challenge.
play friendly, play fair, sounds great.
been on a few realms with fumm, what's another one.
IGN: raycraft2902
Please add me!!!
IGN: Darkalyas
IGN: Eddie Wait
Age 20
I love vanilla minecraft
I tried to add u but it says gamertag not found...
Tried but it says ur name tag doesn't work
IGN: PacificBoya
Sounds chill.
34 dude from TN here
Looking for a realm to join since the last one I was part of disbanded.
IGN is DigitaLC0wb0Y (o's are actually zeros)
Thanks have a good one!
ign: Anyname23
IGN: LordRobie
IGN is Gentledeath2016. Im 30 and looking for a friendly realm to play on!