Massively long system of tunnels with openings interspersed across the world.
The Swampy Isles - with the exotic PurPur Mines, and swamps obviously.
Coral Reefs raised in the Blue Sea's depths.
The Lava Park Chasms opened in the mountains.
Clay patches put underwater.
Materials spread evenly throughout all layers - no more digging straight down "to level whatever, where the whatever ore blocks can be found" because everything can be found everywhere!
Monsters - with custom drop tables (diamonds, iron ingots, enchanted books, etc.).
Blocks from the decoration, redstone, and transportation tabs (in creative mode) are restricted.
Blocks from The End, The Nether, and Ocean Temples are restricted.
Acacia, Jungle, and Dark Oak materials are restricted.
Bookcases are restricted.
Color stained blocks are restricted.
Please note: block restrictions are to ensure fairness on this survival realm, and I will replace all instances of restricted blocks with Air before I import anything.
great! yeah, fantastic. you're invited, Future War guy, i'd love your feedback - im thanking everyone for any suggestions on what to do next with the world.
~=|-\+/-|=~ Overview ~=|-\+/-|=~
~=|-\+/-|=~ Importing Your Building(s) From .world Files ~=|-\+/-|=~
~=|-\+/-|=~ Rules ~=|-\+/-|=~
~=|-\+/-|=~ Application ~=|-\+/-|=~
Version 1.0.8
Pine woods added, in-game biomes assigned to areas, road demo added near the spawn
I'll be making changes and additions regularly, so check back here for the patch notes
Here are some screenshots in 1.0.8.
1.0.9 screenshots
Coves added
1.0.10 screenshots look gorgeous!
I made the coves much deeper and this is the result - brought to you in the full beauty of the default minecraft texture pack:
1.0.11 screenshot
There is now a massive reservoir at the back of the beach cove with all sorts of fantastic texturing and huge bounties of diamond and redstone.
1.1 tomorrow, screenshots to follow.
Improved rivers/waterfalls
an 1800+ block (and growing) tunnel system, fully stocked with gems
trees in the 75,000 blocks squared underground cove!!
please come check it out - it's been described as "neat", so whats a few minutes of your time?
IGN: CookieD3rp
invite pls ;-;
Wonderful! You've both been invited.
1.1.2 screenshots
Beacons temporarily added to highlight points of interest
I would love to help
WarsDrago Is my in game name
great! yeah, fantastic. you're invited, Future War guy, i'd love your feedback - im thanking everyone for any suggestions on what to do next with the world.
Join this realm its amazing and the owner is a really nice genuine guy, Just post your ign and you'll be invited
Minedilplays, and i would like to buld too! I go on lots of minecraft servers and im MOD so i get to build spawn and stuff.
Also, if you need help with redstone, im your man!
Please invite me! Thanks!
I want to help, IGN:TheTragicHip.
heyyyyyyyyyyyy i dont have a signature so... hey.
you're all invited!
Sounds cool ill join
IGN cl8tron
you have been invited, Cl8tron!