2:I just turned 19 yesterday and I will be starting university in the fall, I will be learning Computer Science as a major and Math as a minor.
3: I started playing in 2012 so around 4 years.
4: During the summer I play almost everyday of the week for around 3 - 4 hours.
5: I really like to try and survive on my own and make a really big base that suits my needs, I think it will be even more fun to do it with a community of people.
6. How long has the server been running and did you get this idea from Syndicate because I'm watching his Mianite series while filling this put?
7. I have seen the Mianite series, I used to watch the live streams and I am currently watching back on them all. I think I would align with CaptainSparkles player because I often find myself becoming a peacekeeper but I also like to play like Syndicate in a way.
2:I just turned 19 yesterday and I will be starting university in the fall, I will be learning Computer Science as a major and Math as a minor.
3: I started playing in 2012 so around 4 years.
4: During the summer I play almost everyday of the week for around 3 - 4 hours.
5: I really like to try and survive on my own and make a really big base that suits my needs, I think it will be even more fun to do it with a community of people.
6. How long has the server been running and did you get this idea from Syndicate because I'm watching his Mianite series while filling this put?
7. I have seen the Mianite series, I used to watch the live streams and I am currently watching back on them all. I think I would align with CaptainSparkles player because I often find myself becoming a peacekeeper but I also like to play like Syndicate in a way.
(My Skype account name is: BryceCrispySquares)
2: Nice. I thought about learning more about Comp Science but I was intimidated when I took a summer class on it.
6: Sort of, yeah. I was inspired by the series.
7: I watched it originally from the perspective of Syndicate, their streams were usually during when I had school. Right now watching it back from Sparklez's. Obviously I'd be Dec, since I'm the /op of the server xD
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? since 1.2
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Everyday
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? I am very adventurous, so probably exploring/mining.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Nope, none.
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? I would probably align most with Firefoxx, she's awesome and always got stuff done. Loved when she did Thaumcraft!
I hope you will consider me even though i'm almost 16, i am very mature and run my own YT channel. I would love to record a series on this Realm, my channel almost has 60 subscribers! Thanks for reading!
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? since 1.2
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Everyday
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? I am very adventurous, so probably exploring/mining.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Nope, none.
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? I would probably align most with Firefoxx, she's awesome and always got stuff done. Loved when she did Thaumcraft!
I hope you will consider me even though i'm almost 16, i am very mature and run my own YT channel. I would love to record a series on this Realm, my channel almost has 60 subscribers! Thanks for reading!
Hey there! The age requirement has been scaled back in order to try and get more people on the server. I will message you and send you my Skype username for you to add me from, we'll have a quick conversation and then you'll be good to start on the server!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
1: Minecraft username: I'd be more comfortable handing this over in private.
2: How old are you? 26
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? Ever since 1.6, afraid I have no clue how longs it's been in years.. I guess roughly two?
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Most days in the week, spare occasional weekend days due to social life intervening.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? Go out and about exploring, crafting a fancy-named sword and slaying zombies with it. Also I do appreciate to build tight little lairs to call home.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Is the current mythology in an in-game book to read? I'd appreciate getting into it!
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? Afraid not, I don't do much youtubing aside the occasional redstone tutorial (Like, once a month)
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? About one year.
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Every day if i've got nothing else to do and i usually don't have nothing else to do.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? Mining, farming, getting animals.. Stuff that some people might find to be a bit boring.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Not now atleast.
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? Sorry but i haven't seen it. I've heard of it and might end up watching it at some point.
I'll send you a message and give you my skype info so I can add you there and then call you for the second part of the interview process!
1: Minecraft username: I'd be more comfortable handing this over in private.
2: How old are you? 26
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? Ever since 1.6, afraid I have no clue how longs it's been in years.. I guess roughly two?
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Most days in the week, spare occasional weekend days due to social life intervening.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? Go out and about exploring, crafting a fancy-named sword and slaying zombies with it. Also I do appreciate to build tight little lairs to call home.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Is the current mythology in an in-game book to read? I'd appreciate getting into it!
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? Afraid not, I don't do much youtubing aside the occasional redstone tutorial (Like, once a month)
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? - ....To long
4: How often do you play Minecraft? - Mostly weekends (24/2) but when i finish school i will play more
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? - Build farms of any shape or kind
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? - would a Purge mean that the other rules get thrown out the window?
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? - That was the series with syndicate right? if so then i wouldn't align
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? - ....To long
4: How often do you play Minecraft? - Mostly weekends (24/2) but when i finish school i will play more
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? - Build farms of any shape or kind
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? - would a Purge mean that the other rules get thrown out the window?
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? - That was the series with syndicate right? if so then i wouldn't align
2: How old are you?-I am 13, i just got to the 9th grade . My birthday is in november so i am nearly 14.
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft?-I`ve been Playing minecraft for 3 years and a few months
4: How often do you play Minecraft?- I play minecraft whenever i really have time. So i guess i play alot :P.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft?- I really love to set goals and challenges for myself and others. Also building, i think very creative.I also have some experience using redstone and i will out that knowledge into action sometimes.
2: How old are you?-I am 13, i just got to the 9th grade . My birthday is in november so i am nearly 14.
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft?-I`ve been Playing minecraft for 3 years and a few months
4: How often do you play Minecraft?- I play minecraft whenever i really have time. So i guess i play alot :P.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft?- I really love to set goals and challenges for myself and others. Also building, i think very creative.I also have some experience using redstone and i will out that knowledge into action sometimes.
I really hope that You accept me!
And even if u don`t i wish u the best of luck! c:
Have a Nice day! :3
Even though you are quite young, we have repealed the age minimum in efforts to get more people on the server. I'll respond to your PM
1. LilDirdyBirdy
2. Over 20
3. 3+ years
4. Nearly Daily
5. Farming, mining, scavenging, exploring
6. Nope
7. Haven't seen it
Alright, I sent you a message!
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
about 3 years
every day
build and mine
Sorry man, You're a bit too young.
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
Just checked out your youtube. Sorry, you're too young for the server.
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
1: My Minecraft username is "xCamoz".
2:I just turned 19 yesterday and I will be starting university in the fall, I will be learning Computer Science as a major and Math as a minor.
3: I started playing in 2012 so around 4 years.
4: During the summer I play almost everyday of the week for around 3 - 4 hours.
5: I really like to try and survive on my own and make a really big base that suits my needs, I think it will be even more fun to do it with a community of people.
6. How long has the server been running and did you get this idea from Syndicate because I'm watching his Mianite series while filling this put?
7. I have seen the Mianite series, I used to watch the live streams and I am currently watching back on them all. I think I would align with CaptainSparkles player because I often find myself becoming a peacekeeper but I also like to play like Syndicate in a way.
(My Skype account name is: BryceCrispySquares)
2: Nice. I thought about learning more about Comp Science but I was intimidated when I took a summer class on it.
6: Sort of, yeah. I was inspired by the series.
7: I watched it originally from the perspective of Syndicate, their streams were usually during when I had school. Right now watching it back from Sparklez's. Obviously I'd be Dec, since I'm the /op of the server xD
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
UPDATE: Removed inactive/griefer players from invite list in order to make sure we have a better community.
We now have a discord open for players! The link will be given to those who pass through the second part of the application process.
Hunger Games should be occurring within the next couple of days.
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
AGE: 13
WHATS MY FAV THING TO DO:I like To Find resources and fight mobs
SKYPE NAME: Alaiza_Avena
I'm sorry, you're too young for the server.
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
1: Minecraft username: JarOJello
2: How old are you? 15 (Turning 16 soon)
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? since 1.2
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Everyday
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? I am very adventurous, so probably exploring/mining.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Nope, none.
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? I would probably align most with Firefoxx, she's awesome and always got stuff done. Loved when she did Thaumcraft!
I hope you will consider me even though i'm almost 16, i am very mature and run my own YT channel. I would love to record a series on this Realm, my channel almost has 60 subscribers! Thanks for reading!
Hey there! The age requirement has been scaled back in order to try and get more people on the server. I will message you and send you my Skype username for you to add me from, we'll have a quick conversation and then you'll be good to start on the server!
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
1: Minecraft username: I'd be more comfortable handing this over in private.
2: How old are you? 26
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? Ever since 1.6, afraid I have no clue how longs it's been in years.. I guess roughly two?
4: How often do you play Minecraft? Most days in the week, spare occasional weekend days due to social life intervening.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? Go out and about exploring, crafting a fancy-named sword and slaying zombies with it. Also I do appreciate to build tight little lairs to call home.
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? Is the current mythology in an in-game book to read? I'd appreciate getting into it!
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? Afraid not, I don't do much youtubing aside the occasional redstone tutorial (Like, once a month)
*Edited for a minor typo
I'll send you a message and give you my skype info so I can add you there and then call you for the second part of the interview process!
Message received
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
1: Minecraft username - Supryze_
2: How old are you? - 18
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft? - ....To long
4: How often do you play Minecraft? - Mostly weekends (24/2) but when i finish school i will play more
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft? - Build farms of any shape or kind
6. (Optional) Any questions you may have about the server? - would a Purge mean that the other rules get thrown out the window?
7. (Optional) Have you seen the Mianite series on YouTube? If so, which player would you most align with? - That was the series with syndicate right? if so then i wouldn't align
Hi Supryze! I've sent you a message.
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
Hello, Here is my Application!
1: Minecraft username- CasualCraft
2: How old are you?-I am 13, i just got to the 9th grade . My birthday is in november so i am nearly 14.
3: How long have you been playing Minecraft?-I`ve been Playing minecraft for 3 years and a few months
4: How often do you play Minecraft?- I play minecraft whenever i really have time. So i guess i play alot :P.
5: What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft?- I really love to set goals and challenges for myself and others. Also building, i think very creative.I also have some experience using redstone and i will out that knowledge into action sometimes.
I really hope that You accept me!
And even if u don`t i wish u the best of luck! c:
Have a Nice day! :3
1: XxSans_SkellyxX
2: 15
3: Since early 2013
4: Every Day.
5: Play Minecraft servers like Mineplex, Hypixel, etc. And I like to play Minecraft realms.
Currently I'm out of the house but I'll get to your three applications as soon as I get back.
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here:
Even though you are quite young, we have repealed the age minimum in efforts to get more people on the server. I'll respond to your PM
Hello! My name is JLeal115, and you can find my YouTube here: