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IGN: NotABear
All invited 28 players so far
Umm.... I don't see the world on my realms menu. Did your realm expire? Was I not on enough and was kicked? If you can, give me a response or tell me why I'm not allowed, please. And if you're willing, invite me again when can please.
ign - Ukrainian_B055
my name is: minidude679
me and my friend please
ign: MemeAPhobia
his ign: Redax_
Ign: Milohere
sign me up, I'd love to join
My IGN is nathanaelp2001 i really need a new realm to play on and i cant find any good ones so can you please invite me
IGN : PolisKshatriya
please invite me
Can't wait to join!
IGN: BigBohts16
IGN: NotABear
All invited 28 players so far
Umm.... I don't see the world on my realms menu. Did your realm expire? Was I not on enough and was kicked? If you can, give me a response or tell me why I'm not allowed, please. And if you're willing, invite me again when can please.
ign - Ukrainian_B055
my name is: minidude679
me and my friend please
ign: MemeAPhobia
his ign: Redax_
Ign: Milohere
sign me up, I'd love to join
My IGN is nathanaelp2001 i really need a new realm to play on and i cant find any good ones so can you please invite me
IGN : PolisKshatriya
please invite me
Can't wait to join!
IGN: BigBohts16