I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
Hello my username is mboss9 I'm a active loyal always playing fun mature player my username is mboss9 hope you invite me By the way I'm 23 years of age You can contact me on here
Inviting almost anyone over the age of 13
No Griefing
No Stealing
Put your IGN, a way to contact you, and age down below and I will add you to the Realm!
(Killing is aloud but you can take whatever was in their inventory but you may not touch anything in their home or chests.)
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
IGN: D_moneyFTW
Age: 15
Skype: D_moneyFTW
Laggpunisher : 28
skype: groz0th
IGN: athrunn
age: 29
skype: david.lavoie86
IGN: minecraftdawg28
age: 15
skype: dalton.beal2
Added you!
IGN: Hogdale33
Age: 16
Skype: Hogdale
IGN: M0nk3y_D_Ac3
Age: 15
Skype: Doge
IGN: M0nk3y_D_Ac3
Age: 15
Skype: Doge
IGN: Aquabyss
Age: 28
Skype: Tilezly
When I get on the realm ill send u my Skype
Hello my username is mboss9 I'm a active loyal always playing fun mature player my username is mboss9 hope you invite me By the way I'm 23 years of age You can contact me on here
We need 2-3 more players! We have 3 members including me!