Just started less than an hour ago, get in while it's young and help shape the future of the world. Realm is in survival mode.
Please leave a comment as to why I should invite you, your age, play style, and what you can bring to the community. Those that don't reply will not be invited.
Please leave a comment as to why I should invite you, your age, play style, and what you can bring to the community. Those that don't reply will not be invited.
Experiences: I've been playing for about 2 1/2 years.
What you bring to the realm: I tend to spend my time underground for the most part, but if anyone needs help I will be there.
Why you want to join: Looking for a fun, friendly realm to join and have fun on.
I've been looking for a realm to join for a while. Usually when I get attached to one it goes dark. D: (I swear I don't chase people away. It's just unlucky) xD
Just started less than an hour ago, get in while it's young and help shape the future of the world. Realm is in survival mode.
Please leave a comment as to why I should invite you, your age, play style, and what you can bring to the community. Those that don't reply will not be invited.
Rules are as follows
No Griefing
Don't steal from other players
PVP only with willing players
Help when you can.
287cupofjoe287 I am interested.
ign: DoubleHelix
Sounds fun, hope I'm accepted to join.
IGN - Seapot
sounds like fun
please invite me - JJJohnsonthe3rd
I just got Realms. Can I join? Ign: Nellapocalypse
Hi i'm interested
ign TheRealNas
Hello, so my IGN is mushy__.
I am a good builder and an explorer.
Let me know if I get accepted
Please leave a comment as to why I should invite you, your age, play style, and what you can bring to the community. Those that don't reply will not be invited.
IGN TheRealNas
You should invite me because I won't grief, I will work with others, and I will be very cooperative .
I am 19
My play style is collect and build with little exploring.
I can bring what is asked of me, but I will try create community farm and other projects
Age: 30
Play Style: start out small, build up storages, then mega builds!
Teamwork is always enjoyable.
I can bring a friendly face who is always glad to help and enjoys working on group projects!
IGN: Alocnor
Like to use a lot of redstone
I still have a few slots open. Please tell me why you want to join and what you bring to our community.
What you bring to the realm:
WHy you want to join:
Any applications not containing these items will be ignored.
Kretan (ign)
3.5 years of mc survival
lots of ideas hopefully lol
i just like realms
IGN: PeepingPixie
AGE: 28
Experiences: I've been playing for about 2 1/2 years.
What you bring to the realm: I tend to spend my time underground for the most part, but if anyone needs help I will be there.
Why you want to join: Looking for a fun, friendly realm to join and have fun on.
I've been looking for a realm to join for a while. Usually when I get attached to one it goes dark. D: (I swear I don't chase people away. It's just unlucky) xD
I'd be delighted to join your realm.
IGN: ButtsRus