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Post your IGN and how active can you be and I'll invite you
very active
ign: smach28
Very active, 6 - 10 hours a day
IGN: Technach
Can be on all of the time. IGN- acfalck28
Bolt9100- Weekends only until after June 8th. After that, 2-5 hours daily
IGNs : Korsan_deniz , and Laggydemir
Very active , never been banned
Meduim active
IGN - Seapot
Hey I will play with you as long you are on the xbox 360. My gamertag is Austin4MLP.
IGN: CosmicSanz_
I can be active from time to time. 1-3 hrs on wekdays and depends on weekends.
Age: 20 EST
Pretty active if the server is decent.
IGN: Pirateer
For the most part, I'll be on daily. My activity might drop for a few days, every once and a while, because traveling.
IGN: CounselorUSN
I will be on late central time. Hour to two hours a stretch.
KakiaSyn Very active My group quit playing and I tend to not get stuff done when I'm all alone.
I will be very active
IGN - Gamerzombie12
Highly Active
IGN : mahdi_ghost278
IGN: imkimchi
Pretty active.
Very active
IGN: Mattias3060
worked mineplex ion goldrose479j
I have never been banned on any server. Can play pretty much whenever needed. I know a lot about redstone if help is ever needed! IGN- Colbalt_Prius Thanks!!!
I'm fairly active
Post your IGN and how active can you be and I'll invite you
very active
ign: smach28
Very active, 6 - 10 hours a day
IGN: Technach
Can be on all of the time. IGN- acfalck28
Bolt9100- Weekends only until after June 8th. After that, 2-5 hours daily
IGNs : Korsan_deniz , and Laggydemir
Very active , never been banned
Meduim active
IGN - Seapot
Hey I will play with you as long you are on the xbox 360. My gamertag is Austin4MLP.
IGN: CosmicSanz_
I can be active from time to time. 1-3 hrs on wekdays and depends on weekends.
Age: 20
Pretty active if the server is decent.
IGN: Pirateer
For the most part, I'll be on daily. My activity might drop for a few days, every once and a while, because traveling.
IGN: CounselorUSN
I will be on late central time. Hour to two hours a stretch.
Very active
My group quit playing and I tend to not get stuff done when I'm all alone.
I will be very active
IGN - Gamerzombie12
Highly Active
IGN : mahdi_ghost278
IGN: imkimchi
Pretty active.
Very active
IGN: Mattias3060
worked mineplex ion goldrose479j
I have never been banned on any server. Can play pretty much whenever needed. I know a lot about redstone if help is ever needed! IGN- Colbalt_Prius Thanks!!!
I'm fairly active