I made a realm for my friends and I to play on together but they've all moved on to other games and/or working too much to play as frequently as we used to. I just want to see some activity in my world, basically. It's all vanilla, builder oriented, survival map where I'd like to have some natural player interaction and a sense of community.
My goal was to just have a place for my friends and I to show off our builds, hang out, and explore. If that sounds like something you're interested in taking a part of than I'd like to add you to the realm.
Hey, my username is InValidFire, and I would gladly join your realm. I am looking for a survival world with a small community. I find that smaller communities lets you get to know the group better, as there's not millions of players. So I would like to help your community grow, and I look forward to joining.
Looks awesome! I love how chill and friendly the server seems to be, and I would love to join! My IGN is ChimneySweeper. I am 19 and have played minecraft almost ever since its been popular. I love to build pretty much anything like to build with other players!
Hey! My name is Kyle, i'm 16, and i would like to join your Realm! I've been on multiple inactive Realms in the past as well, so applying to new realms just seems natural to me. My IGN is: Peaceler. I hope you'll consider my application!
I made a realm for my friends and I to play on together but they've all moved on to other games and/or working too much to play as frequently as we used to. I just want to see some activity in my world, basically. It's all vanilla, builder oriented, survival map where I'd like to have some natural player interaction and a sense of community.
My goal was to just have a place for my friends and I to show off our builds, hang out, and explore. If that sounds like something you're interested in taking a part of than I'd like to add you to the realm.
looking for some building realms
username KTB23
Hey, my username is InValidFire, and I would gladly join your realm. I am looking for a survival world with a small community. I find that smaller communities lets you get to know the group better, as there's not millions of players. So I would like to help your community grow, and I look forward to joining.
I'd like to join! Gwaihyr_Grim.
Looks awesome! I love how chill and friendly the server seems to be, and I would love to join! My IGN is ChimneySweeper. I am 19 and have played minecraft almost ever since its been popular. I love to build pretty much anything like to build with other players!
Hey! My name is Kyle, i'm 16, and i would like to join your Realm! I've been on multiple inactive Realms in the past as well, so applying to new realms just seems natural to me. My IGN is: Peaceler. I hope you'll consider my application!
Added, Bud.
creedsnow :3 avid player
Yeah Yeah
Love to join, looking for adventure Rynoed1
Hey, I would be gladly to help with any builds or exploration. My username is: stevie760