Hello there I'm running my first realm, after having a bunch of players come on who never bothered to be active, I've decided to post in here again looking for ACTIVE players and operators
If you're interested in being an operator you have to message me on here and I'll send you the application, the player application is below:
IG name:
Nickname or real name?:
Skype?*(Voice call is mandatory but you can PM me your skype name if you'd like)
Do you have a problem with cursing?
How often are you on minecraft?:
What's your favorite thing about realms?:
Least favorite thing about realms?:
I'm hoping to have a full community of people who just like having fun and building
Hello there
I'm running my first realm, after having a bunch of players come on who never bothered to be active, I've decided to post in here again looking for ACTIVE players and operators 
If you're interested in being an operator you have to message me on here and I'll send you the application, the player application is below:
IG name:
Nickname or real name?:
Skype?*(Voice call is mandatory but you can PM me your skype name if you'd like)
Do you have a problem with cursing?
How often are you on minecraft?:
What's your favorite thing about realms?:
Least favorite thing about realms?:
I'm hoping to have a full community of people who just like having fun and building
IG name: UselessMartianYT
Nickname or real name?: Call me Luci, or Kendell (im a guy btw)
Age?: 16
Location?: Idaho
Skype?*(Voice call is mandatory but you can PM me your skype name if you'd like) look for live:obtavius if you cant find that do [email protected]
Do you have a problem with cursing? Not at all
How often are you on minecraft?: everyday
What's your favorite thing about realms?: The fact its vanilla
Least favorite thing about realms?: the fact i cant use inventory mods