I made a realm, and I have quite a few spots left. Just say your IGN and I'll try to add you. I need active gamers! The realm is creative, on a flat world. We have quite a few buildings, and we would like to add to it. I will eventually add photos of our best builds. Thank you!
SprayCan Griefed the whole server for youtube please op me so I could block people like this next time, everything is covered in lava and is destoryed. Or get on yourself and do something
I made a realm, and I have quite a few spots left. Just say your IGN and I'll try to add you. I need active gamers! The realm is creative, on a flat world. We have quite a few buildings, and we would like to add to it. I will eventually add photos of our best builds. Thank you!
Ign: Wirelessbrain218 and I_SrJason (my friend)
SprayCan Griefed the whole server for youtube please op me so I could block people like this next time, everything is covered in lava and is destoryed. Or get on yourself and do something
IGN: fredrick1132
also, if you need staff i would be happy to help out.
IGN: KeiranBN
Looking for an active world with lots of players, hope I can get in!