Hello everyone! In this realm, there are laws, currency, and minor land restrictions. The currency is Gold, but emeralds are accepted if you exchange them at a central government system for Gold. This currency exchange is closely monitored to keep inflation in the local economy at a very low rate. The laws are simple: No stealing, Killing (outside of coliseum matches), and no vandalism. Also, you are required to keep decent distance from other peoples land. This distance should be discussed in friendly manor between the players involved. More will become clear upon entry. Please leave your Minecraft username below if you are a serious player who is looking to fight in coliseum matches for prizes and participate in the local economy.
What you have to offer: Hey! pleasure to meet you. I've been looking into getting my own minecraft realm but wanted to see if anyone already had one that just needed some help first. I am on ALL the time, and have a TON of experience building, and crafting since vanilla. I really enjoy playing the game with friends via voicechat and just exploring and building awesome things. I saw a video years ago that someone made that literally BLEW my mind with everything you can do in this world and have wanted to replicate that with a group of friends on a private server for a while. I would love to help you out with the server and make an awesome realm. Add me if you want! Ill be on all night. Sounds like an awesome server!
Hello everyone! In this realm, there are laws, currency, and minor land restrictions. The currency is Gold, but emeralds are accepted if you exchange them at a central government system for Gold. This currency exchange is closely monitored to keep inflation in the local economy at a very low rate. The laws are simple: No stealing, Killing (outside of coliseum matches), and no vandalism. Also, you are required to keep decent distance from other peoples land. This distance should be discussed in friendly manor between the players involved. More will become clear upon entry. Please leave your Minecraft username below if you are a serious player who is looking to fight in coliseum matches for prizes and participate in the local economy.
Sounds cool! Invite me please!
IGN is Zaaach!
This realm sound awesome :), Add me please. I hope to get an invite;)
IGN: sk8rgirl
added you
sorry!! made a mistake. now you are added!!
Would love to join man. IGN is cgrocker1790
cant add you wont let me
IGN: bhoopsmith
Age: 25
What you have to offer: Hey! pleasure to meet you. I've been looking into getting my own minecraft realm but wanted to see if anyone already had one that just needed some help first. I am on ALL the time, and have a TON of experience building, and crafting since vanilla. I really enjoy playing the game with friends via voicechat and just exploring and building awesome things. I saw a video years ago that someone made that literally BLEW my mind with everything you can do in this world and have wanted to replicate that with a group of friends on a private server for a while. I would love to help you out with the server and make an awesome realm. Add me if you want! Ill be on all night. Sounds like an awesome server!
you are in
Sounds awesome I would love to join
IGN= LetsTalk8Bit
IGN: Lazy_pineapples
Age: 16
My in-game name is Aveite. I hope to be playing with some new and interesting people some time soon!
added you
I added you.
added you
Added you
Please invite me!
IGN: TheHeadExploader
IGN = LetsTalk8Bit
Age 16
Old one I missed the age sorry