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IGN: KatDat
IGN: LikLikLik
I am good at surviving and building!
We need some active mature players, feel free to join in!
Live long and prosper.
IGN: fumm
Invite me to any realms! Id love to join. Here are some things to know about me!
IGN - CallMeWaves
Age - 15 (mature)
Experience - Been playing for 4 years
Skills - Redstone a good bit, Houses, Gadgets and stuff
Systems - PC, Xbox 1 and 360, Pocket Edition
Things to know about me - I am OCD... I get a bit cocky or stubborn sometimes (just tell me please) I respect others if you do the same
Please dont invite if your realm is modded, dragons/dungeons, or any modded gm. Thanks!
IGN: Cynthia30
I have been playing MC for 2yrs and I love building cool things!
IGN: ElLocoArrest
Im 22 years old and i want to build cool stuff!
I added you Elloco, Cynthia and Snowincalifornia
IGN" PaPaOmega
I added you PaPaOmega
IGN: KatDat
IGN: LikLikLik
I am good at surviving and building!
We need some active mature players, feel free to join in!
Live long and prosper.
IGN: fumm
Invite me to any realms! Id love to join. Here are some things to know about me!
IGN - CallMeWaves
Age - 15 (mature)
Experience - Been playing for 4 years
Skills - Redstone a good bit, Houses, Gadgets and stuff
Systems - PC, Xbox 1 and 360, Pocket Edition
Things to know about me - I am OCD... I get a bit cocky or stubborn sometimes (just tell me please) I respect others if you do the same
Please dont invite if your realm is modded, dragons/dungeons, or any modded gm. Thanks!
IGN: Cynthia30
I have been playing MC for 2yrs and I love building cool things!
IGN: ElLocoArrest
Im 22 years old and i want to build cool stuff!
I added you Elloco, Cynthia and Snowincalifornia
IGN" PaPaOmega
I added you PaPaOmega