hay my name is mark and i would love to join your realm im a good builder when it come to car/any vehical and i love to buld house and have fun and hang with people and im looking for a sever that not runed buy kid that greft and ext so ya i have a skype or a team speak if you wnt to talk to me and ask me any queshon
Koo, invites pending
ign is x_Tank_x
i would love to join
hay my name is mark and i would love to join your realm im a good builder when it come to car/any vehical and i love to buld house and have fun and hang with people and im looking for a sever that not runed buy kid that greft and ext so ya i have a skype or a team speak if you wnt to talk to me and ask me any queshon
Crafty_Mind here. Would love a copy of the world if you get a chance! (This only way I know to contact you outside of the realm)
I'm looking for a realm to play with my GF, for obvious reasons It would need to be both or none
Ages: 24 and 26
Country: Australia
IGNS: lachy72589 and Rie131
I feel kinda late to the party but this realm sounds fantastic. I'd love to join if there's any space IGN is Exelaustica